Climate Engagement Fund

Fund aims to build understanding of the climate emergency across Scotland, by offering support for climate engagement activities. The fund is closed to applicants.

Approved bids 2024 to 2025

The total value for the Climate Engagement Fund is £272,000 for financial year 2024 to 2025. The fund received an extraordinary number of high quality bids and following a thorough selection process, bids from eight organisations were chosen.

These are:

Project Activity Amount awarded

Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment & Society Climate Engagement Fund project

10-part podcast series – produced by world-leading scientists - making climate science accessible and promoting action £29,700
National Museums Scotland Climate Engagement Fund project Climate Change for all workshops supporting behaviour change pledges £33,594
SWAN Autism Climate Engagement Fund project Coaching programme to help people halt and reverse nature loss £28,100
The Prince's Trust Climate Engagement Fund project Sustainability workshops and Generation Green Festival focused on green skills and career opportunities £30,629
Loco Home Retrofit CIC Ltd Climate Engagement Fund project Identifying climate impacts in Glasgow and providing practical advice on adapting to extreme weather £39,926
Dundee & Angus College Climate Engagement Fund project Empowering students to develop resources on climate and energy that can engage and help the local community £36,880
Lairg and District Learning Centre Climate Engagement Fund project To use bird migration as a vehicle for climate engagement through carbon conversations, events and workshops in Lairg and throughout Sutherland £26,730
Scottish Association for Marine Science Climate Engagement Fund project To explore with children and community elders how climate change affects coastal and island communities and the whales and dolphins that live in the waters around them £47,111



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