Climate Engagement Fund

Fund aims to build understanding of the climate emergency across Scotland, by offering support for climate engagement activities. The fund is closed to applicants.

Monitoring and evaluation

All successful grantees will be expected to:

  • provide oral updates and written reports on progress at points throughout the year
  • submit a final report by February/March 2025 (a template will be provided)
  • submit quarterly claims in August and November 2024, and February 2025
    • grant payments are usually paid in arrears. Any organisation needing to claim monthly or in advance must highlight this at application stage as additional approval will be needed

As part of our commitment for Scotland to be a fair and equal society, the CEF asks all grantees to commit to the Fair Work First criteria, as proportionate to their organisation, but as a minimum, to payment of the real Living Wage and gender equal pay for all paid staff posts the CEF will support. Further information can be found in The Fair Work Framework.

An evaluation of the CEF will be undertaken between January and March 2025. This exercise will assess the management of the fund and the impact of the funded activities. It is expected that funded projects engage with and provide pre-agreed data for this evaluation.



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