
Climate Justice Fund 2024-2026: allocations

Recipients of the Climate Justice Fund 2024-2026.

Our world-first £36 million Climate Justice Fund (CJF) is being delivered over the course of this parliament (2023- 2026).

The CJF is taking a people-centred, human-rights based approach to supporting communities in the Global South to respond to the material and social impacts of the climate crisis. 

It is now full allocated.

Programme Planned spend Delivery years
Climate Just Communities Malawi   £8,000,000  2023-2026 
Climate Just Communities Rwanda   £8,000,000  2023-2026 
Climate Just Communities Zambia  £8,000,000 2023-2026
Non- Economic Loss and Damage (NELD) £5,000,000  2023-2026
Scotland’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund  £1,000,000  2024 
Contract Management and Procurement  £160,000  2023-2024  
GiveDirectly Malawi Cash Transfers  £1,000,000  2023-2024 
C40 Cities  £1,000,000  2023-2024 
Scottish Human Rights Defenders Fellowship  £90,000 2023-2024 
Storm Freddy and Storm Ana (SCIAF)  £800,000  2022-2024 
International Centre for Climate Change and Development   £150,000  2022-2024 
Stockholm Environment Institute Loss and Damage Research  £75,000  2022-2023 
Climate Justice Resilience Fund  £1,000,000  2022-2023 
Climate Youth Negotiator Programme  £206,000  2022-2023 
Scotland’s Loss and Damage Conference  £500,000  2022 
Disasters Emergency Committee Pakistan Flooding Appeal  £250,000   2022 
Women’s Environment and Development Organisation  £388,000  2021-2024 
Climate Challenge Programme Malawi (extension - SCIAF)  £100,000  2021-2022 
Malawi Climate Leaders Programme (Malawi Scotland Partnership and Climate Leaders Group)  £190,000  2021-2022 
Malawi Clean Cooker Grant (Cleaner Cooking Coalition)  £50,000  2021-2023 
Total £35,959,000 

Total: £35,959,000 

N.b- figures provided above show planned spend over the current Parliamentary Term. Actual spend can vary above or below planned spend.   


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