
Scottish climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024: consultation draft

We want to hear your views on Scotland's new five-year climate change adaptation programme to be launched in autumn 2019.

Outcome 7: Our international networks are adaptable to climate change

Sub-Outcome 7.1: Scotland's international food supply networks are resilient to the effects of climate change.

As the climate changes, trade patterns and international food production will increasingly be affected. Sea level rise, and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events like storms, will modify transport routes and infrastructure. As a result, this will change the access and availability for the international transport of goods and services.

In certain parts of the world, increasing heat and water scarcity may reduce the capacity and type of crops grown, as well as the productivity of the workforce. Extreme weather events such as storms can also significantly reduce crop yields. These impacts may result in a reduction in the range of foods available for Scotland to import and for people to purchase.

Scotland's domestic food production may benefit from climate change due to warmer temperatures and increasingly long growing seasons. Taking advantage of this may increase the resilience of Scotland's food supply.

As part of the Scottish Government's preparation for EU exit, project work is being undertaken to understand how leaving the EU without a deal may impact on the price, availability and source of food for Scottish people. This work will increase overall resilience in the event of disruption to food supplied to Scotland, and can be applied to instances of disruption due to extreme weather.

Sub-Outcome 7.2: Scotland has an internationally open and connected economy which is adaptable to the changing climate.

Climate change will impact on Scotland's ability to import and export goods and services. Food and drink exports, including beverages (particularly whisky), fish, crustaceans and molluscs are significant for Scotland's economy and are often important livelihoods for people living in rural and coastal communities. Maintaining our international connections, despite the disruption to trade that climate change may cause, will be vital to ensure Scotland's economy remains open and connected.

As part of the Scottish Government's preparation for EU exit, project work is being undertaken to understand how leaving the EU without a deal may impact food supplies and food and drink exporters in Scotland. This work aims to increase overall resilience in the event of disruption, and the learning can be applied to instances of disruption due to extreme weather.

Sub-Outcome 7.3 Scotland is active in international governance, helping to manage the potential international instability caused by climate change

Climate change acts as an additional stress on systems that are already under pressure. Countries already suffering from water scarcity, drought and crop failure may see these problems being exacerbated by climate change, through increased temperatures, aridity and storm frequency. As a result, higher numbers of people may leave their home country to make a new life elsewhere. Conflict prone countries may also see worsening issues as climate change restricts access to resources, and increases the movement of people. It is vital for Scotland to remain an active partner on the international stage, to support other countries where possible.

Policy Name

Description and Link to Adaptation

Climate Justice Fund

The Scottish Government champions a climate justice approach, recognising that those most vulnerable to climate change are also those who have contributed least to the problem. The Climate Justice Fund was launched in 2012, with a £3 million budget, to help tackle the effects of climate change in the world's poorest, most vulnerable countries. In 2015, at COP21 in Paris, the Scottish Government committed to providing £3 million per year from 2016 to 2021 through the Climate Challenge Fund Malawi and the Climate Justice Innovation Fund. This is in addition to our annual £10 million International Development Fund. By supporting and empowering communities to tackle the impacts of climate change in their home countries, Scotland can help to promote climate change action and international stability, increasing capacity to adapt to the changing climate.

Support for Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre

The Scottish Government Adaptation Team and International Development Team alongside SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund) are supporting the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre in Zambia which contributes to adaptation objectives through promoting sustainable organic agriculture.

Traction Learning Exchange Project

The Scottish Government is supporting the Traction project for international knowledge exchange on national adaptation efforts. This links peers and counterparts in Malawi and among the LDC (Least Developed Countries) group at the UNFCCC. It works to understand their approaches and establish new opportunities to promote international collaboration, enhancing adaptive capacity for all involved.

British-Irish Council Environment Work Programme

The Scottish Government shares information and best practice with the British-Irish Council governments. Adaptation Scotland and the Scottish Government have both taken part in bilateral exchange with Ireland.

Other international connections on adaptation.

Adaptation initiatives across the Scottish Government also have international connections. Through the Horizon 2020 EU project, Scotland's Rivertrack flood warning technology is being piloted in campsites across Catalonia. This will help campsite owners fulfil their obligations to have flood plans and alert owners and holiday makers to rising water levels. Scottish Government is also involved in the EU Interreg Building with Nature project and leads a work stream looking at how catchment-based building with nature (natural flood management) can help manage fluvial flood risk. The Dynamic Coast project team has also been engaging with the Interreg coastal work stream led by the Netherlands.

Associated Risks (from the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017)

It1: Risks from weather related shocks to international food production and trade.

It2: Imported food safety risks.

It3: Risks and opportunities from long term, climate-related changes in global food production.

It4: Risks to the UK from climate-related international human displacements.

It5: Risks to the UK from international violent conflict.

It6: Risks to international law and governance.

It7: Opportunities from changes to international trade routes.



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