
Scottish climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024: consultation draft

We want to hear your views on Scotland's new five-year climate change adaptation programme to be launched in autumn 2019.

Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 - The Proposed Framework for Consultation

The following pages set out an overview of the proposed framework for climate change adaptation on which we are consulting. We would like your views.

The Outcomes and Sub-Outcomes were tested at the digital engagement and consultation workshops and refined based on feedback. The outcomes are cross-cutting and promote collaboration. The policies and proposals that support the achievement of each outcome are listed, together with a short description of how they relate to climate change adaptation. Given the cross-cutting nature of the outcomes, many policies contribute to delivery of more than one outcome.

The Programme draws together existing Scottish Government policies relating to adaptation. Grouping all the relevant policies together will allow Scotland to take a comprehensive approach to adaptation and ensure that policy consistently takes account of climate change. The approach is not to develop stand-alone, new policies, but to draw together existing policies and ensure that they take account of climate change adaptation and the role that policies can play in delivering a more resilient society. All relevant government policies and programmes will be developed and implemented with adaptation in mind.

Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Programme


  • We live in a Scotland where our built and natural places, supporting infrastructure, economy and society are climate ready, adaptable and resilient to climate change.


  • Our communities are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe in response to the changing climate
  • The people in Scotland who are most vulnerable to climate change are able to adapt and climate justice is embedded in climate change adaptation policy
  • Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate
  • Our society's supporting systems are resilient to climate change
  • Our natural environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change
  • Our coastal and marine environment is valued, enjoyed, protected and enhanced and has increased resilience to climate change
  • Our international networks are adaptable to climate change

Consultation Question: Policies

Q7. Are there any additional policies that should be included in the outcomes set out in the following pages?



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