
Scottish climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024: consultation draft

We want to hear your views on Scotland's new five-year climate change adaptation programme to be launched in autumn 2019.

Outcome 3: Our inclusive and sustainable economy is flexible, adaptable and responsive to the changing climate

Sub-Outcome 3.1: Scotland's businesses based on natural resources are informed and adaptable to climate change

Scotland's businesses based on natural resources, such as agriculture, forestry and fishing, form an important part of Scotland's identity, economy and national heritage. With their connection to natural systems, these industries face particular risks as the climate changes, including flooding, new pests, pathogens and invasive species, extreme weather, water scarcity, and higher ocean temperatures. The changing climate may also provide opportunities to Scottish businesses, these opportunities will be considered under sub-outcome 3.3.

Policy Name

Description and Link to Adaptation

Farming For a Better Climate

The Farming for a Better Climate programme works with farmers to find practical ways to move towards a more profitable, low carbon future, adapt to a changing climate and secure farm viability for future generations.

Monitor Farm Programme

The Monitor Farm Programme has established a group of farms to serve as monitor farms to help improve the profitability, productivity and sustainability of producers through practical demonstrations, the sharing of best practice and the discussion of up-to-date issues. This programme is delivered jointly by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds.

Future Farming Scotland

Future Farming Scotland aims to showcase the use of low input and sustainable approaches to agriculture, building financial and environmental resilience in a changing climate. This programme is delivered by the Soil Association Scotland.

The Farm Advisory Service

The Farm Advisory Service provides information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts. Including providing farmers with access to free carbon audits, discounted integrated land management plans and specialist one to one advice.

Soil and Nutrient Network

Soil and Nutrient Network farms take a 'before and after' look at how to protect and improve our farm soils and make best use of both organic and inorganic fertilisers, saving money, improving farm efficiency and increasing resilience in a changing climate. This programme is delivered as part of Scotland's Farm Advisory Service.

Farming and Water Scotland

Farming and Water Scotland is predominantly aimed at farmers to help reduce diffuse pollution risk and advise on how this can benefit their farm business. It provides advice and information on actions that can also play a vital role in improving farm resilience in a changing climate. This programme is delivered as part of Scotland's Farm Advisory Service.

Farming with Nature

The Farming with Nature programme focuses on using organic, agroecological and High Nature Value (HNV) production methods, which have a sound scientific evidence-base for protecting and enhancing the natural environment. This programme is delivered by the Soil Association Scotland.

Scottish Forestry Strategy

This Strategy provides a 10-year framework for action to achieve a 50-year vision for Scotland's forests and woodlands with the principles of sustainable forest management at its core. The Strategy supports the expansion and sustainable management of Scotland's forests and woodlands to support thriving forest businesses, develop existing and new markets for wood products and forest based tourism. It seeks to increase the resilience and adaptability of forests and woodlands to ensure that current and future generations continue to derive a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits.

Land Use Strategy

The Strategy encourages the development of place based partnerships for delivering integrated and sustainable land use at a local, catchment or landscape scale. Integrated land use is important in increasing the resilience of the natural environment and promoting adaptive management.

National Marine Plan (2015)

The National Marine Plan considers how actions in the Plan need to be adapted to take into account the effects of climate change. Offshore and coastal developments should be appropriately sited and designed, and use technologies and equipment appropriate for local conditions, now and in the future. It highlights that fisheries will be managed taking into account changes in species distribution and abundance due to climate change.

Farmed Fish Health Framework

Scotland's Farmed Fish Health Framework includes a Climate Change and Ocean Acidification subgroup. The subgroup aims to monitor, review and assess the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on Scottish waters. This policy creates a framework to support the adaptation of marine aquaculture to climate change.

Inshore Fisheries Strategy

The strategy sets out a vision to support the development of a more sustainable, profitable and well-managed inshore fisheries sector in Scotland. Sustainable management of inshore fisheries improves resilience of habitats and species, giving them more space to respond to the changing climate.

Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP)

The Scottish Government contributes funds to the MCCIP which collates expertise from across the UK and uses this to present high quality evidence on climate change impacts in the marine environment. The Annual Report Cards summarise impacts on a range of specific environments and ecosystem components, and the Climate Smart Working Reports provide adaptation advice for marine sectors. In addition, the MCCIP have also published Report Cards on climate change and the UK marine leisure industry, and produced a detailed assessment of climate change adaptation in UK seafood.

Future Fisheries Management Strategy

The Scottish Government is undertaking nationwide discussion with stakeholders to help develop Scotland's Future Fisheries Management Strategy. The aim is to develop a range of ideas and proposals to establish Scotland's place as a wold leader in responsible, sustainable fisheries management. Sustainable management of fisheries improves resilience of habitats and species, giving them more space to respond to the changing climate.

Crown Estate Scotland

Marine Scotland will work with Crown Estate Scotland to ensure that investment in aquaculture research and coastal projects contributes towards climate change adaptation.

Sub-Outcome 3.2: Scotland's manufacturing, services and wider economy are informed and adaptable to climate change

Climate change will also impact on Scotland's manufacturing, services and wider economy. Scottish businesses could be affected by issues including flooding, supply chain disruption and reduced employee productivity due to high temperatures. Businesses and industries operating in the coastal zone may also face the loss of premises and infrastructure due to sea level rise and coastal erosion. Scottish businesses will need to adapt their business practices to respond to these challenges.

Policy Name

Description and Link to Adaptation

Adaptation Scotland's Climate Ready Business Guide

Adaptation Scotland supports businesses to build knowledge, confidence and awareness about adaptation, and to work together to adapt. Adaptation Scotland's Climate Ready Business Guide is targeted at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and lays out six key business areas for considering climate impacts, threats and opportunities.

SME Loan Fund & Resource Efficient Scotland SME Support Service

The Scottish Government is committed to supporting small and medium sized Scottish businesses to reduce their energy consumption and resource costs and to encourage the uptake of renewable technologies where appropriate. The resultant savings in operating costs, energy consumption and improvements to building fabric and upgraded energy systems not only improves business efficiency but can make businesses more competitive and resilient to the changing climate.

Scotland's Forestry Strategy

The Strategy supports and enables improvements to the adaptability and resilience of Scotland's forests and woodlands for current and future generations. It encourages innovation, research, development and the adoption of new technologies and practices throughout the wood fibre supply chain. This supports sustainable and inclusive economic growth (including forest-based recreation and tourism).

National Flood Risk Assessment

The revised National Flood Risk Assessment includes classification of property types and infrastructure at risk of flooding. This will allow improved assessments of risks to sectors, businesses and asset types and inform appropriate Flood Risk Management actions.

Scottish Flood Forum

The Scottish Flood Forum provide recovery and resilience support to businesses including postflooding support, advice on property level protection and on business continuity.

Flood Resilient Properties Action Plan

The plan will promote and support property flood resilience actions (like flood resilience repairs and products) and help property owners take action to make their properties more resilient against the impacts of flooding.

Floodline Business Page

Floodline can help businesses to identify if they are at risk of flooding and prepare accordingly.

Flood Warning

SEPA's flood warning services can help businesses prepare and respond when floods are about to happen.

Flood Maps

SEPA's flood maps can help businesses avoid exposure to flood risk by locating in appropriate areas where flood risk is low or well managed.

Planning Advice

SEPA provide support for Planning Authorities to ensure that they make informed decisions about appropriate development where flooding impacts are minimised. This assists businesses by promoting development in areas where businesses can thrive without the risk of flooding in the future.

Flood Risk Management Strategies

The second cycle of Flood Risk Management Strategies provide an opportunity to include organisations and businesses that may benefit from taking action to manage the risks to their assets.

Sub-Outcome 3.3: Scotland's economy is innovative and harnesses the opportunities created as a result of climate change

Climate change will create both risks and opportunities for Scotland's businesses. Potential opportunities for farmers include extended growing seasons, increased crop yield, and varieties of crop species that can be grown. In the forestry sector, the industry may experience improved productivity and a wider availability of species suitable for the Scottish climate. Elsewhere, changing demands for goods and services could provide opportunities for innovation. The policies in this sub-outcome aim to support businesses in harnessing these opportunities.

Policy Name

Description and Link to Adaptation

Scottish Government support for the Scottish Environment Business Awards

The annual Scottish Environmental Business Awards (The VIBES) celebrate and showcase Scottish businesses which are taking significant steps to reduce their impact on the environment and support the wider goals of sustainable development. Since 2018, Adaptation Scotland have sponsored adaptation commendations across all categories. These seek to recognise the innovative work already underway in Scottish businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change, and to create the tools and services we will need in future.

Economy - Adaptation Behaviours:

1. Farmers, make space for water. Move livestock out of flood-prone fields prior to a flood event and allow an area to flood.

2. Businesses, prepare for flood events. Businesses should have flood action plans and be registered to receive flood alerts. There are actions to take to minimise the damage that flooding can cause to property, for example by keeping servers and stock away from basement and ground floor levels.

3. Change farming practices to reduce erosion. Increased rainfall, wind and dry spells could increase erosion from fields. Farmers can help reduce erosion by ploughing horizontally along slopes, maintaining soil cover and limiting livestock access to waterlogged areas.

4. Maintain crops. Crop growth will be impacted by the changing climate. Farmers can help protect crops from extreme weather by planting cover crops, and trees/hedges to provide shade and reduce wind exposure. Having appropriate mechanisms to collect and store water during high rainfall events can also help to maintain crops during times of low rainfall.

5. Protect livestock. Livestock management will need to adapt as the climate changes. Existing buildings can be upgraded to provide shade and ventilation, as well as maintained to reduce damage caused by storm events. Outside, planting trees and shelterbelts can provide shade and act as a wind break.

Associated Risks (from the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017)

Ne3: Risks and opportunities from changes in agricultural and forestry productivity and land suitability.

Ne6: Risks to agriculture and wildlife from water scarcity; and flooding

Ne8: Risks of land management practices exacerbating flood risk.

Ne9: Risks to agriculture, forestry, landscapes and wildlife from pests, pathogens and invasive species.

Ne10: Risks to agriculture, forestry, wildlife and heritage from changes in frequency and/or magnitude of extreme weather and wildfire events.

Bu1: Risks to business sites from flooding.

Bu2: Risks to business from loss of coastal locations and infrastructure.

Bu3: Risks to business operations from water scarcity.

Bu4: Risks to business from reduced access to capital.

Bu5: Risks to business from reduced employee productivity, due to infrastructure disruption and higher temperatures.

Bu6: Risks to business from disruption to supply chains and distribution networks.

Bu7: Risks and opportunities for business from changes in demand for goods and services.



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