
Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP)

Programme setting out Ministers objectives, policies and proposals to tackle the climate change impacts identified for Scotland.

Technical Annex

UK CCRA Ref UK CCRA Impact Theme Objective
AG1b Changes in wheat and spring barley yield (due to warmer springs) Natural Environment N1
AG1c Changes in potato yield (due to combined climate effects and CO 2) Natural Environment N1
AG1d Changes in spring barley yield (due to warmer springs) Natural Environment N1
AG1e Changes in winter barley yield (due to wetter winters) Natural Environment N1
AG2/FL4 Flood risk to high quality agricultural land Natural Environment N2
AG3 Risk of crop pests and diseases Natural Environment N1, N2 N3
AG4 Drier soils (due to warmer and drier summer conditions) Natural Environment N1 N2 N3
AG7a Reduction in milk production due to heat stress Not being addressed in this programme
AG8a/b/AG15 Livestock heat stress factors Not being addressed in this programme
AG10 Changes in grassland productivity Natural Environment N1, N2
AG17/AG59 Increase in greenhouse gas emissions Natural Environment N1
AG19 Soil erosion and leaching Natural Environment N1 N2 N3
AG21 Waterlogging effects (annual) Natural Environment N1 N2 N3
AG25/AG51/AG52 Agricultural land classification and crop suitability Natural Environment N1
AG26/AG27 Biodiversity/wildlife changes Natural Environment N2 N3
AG30/AG57/AG58 Breeding habits/reproductive nature of species Not being addressed in this programme
AG44 Livestock pests and diseases Natural Environment N1, N2 N3
AG65 Loss of particular landscapes and associated rural communities, previously managed by livestock keepers Natural Environment N3
AG66 Human food supply from domestic agriculture Natural Environment Buildings and Infrastructure Networks N1, N3 B3
BD1 Risk to species and habitats due to drier soils Natural Environment N2, N3
BD2 Risks to species and habitats due to coastal evolution Natural Environment N2, N3
BD3 Risk of pests to biodiversity Natural Environment N2, N3
BD4 Risks of diseases to biodiversity Natural Environment N2, N3
BD5 Species unable to track changing climate space Natural Environment N2, N3
BD6 Environmental effects of climate mitigation measures Natural Environment N1
BD8 Changes in soil organic carbon Natural Environment N1
BD9 Changes in species migration patterns Natural Environment N2, N3
BD10 Biodiversity risks due to warmer rivers and lakes Not being addressed in this programme
BD11 Generalists species more able to adapt than specialists Natural Environment N2, N3
BD12 Wildfires due to warmer and drier conditions Natural Environment N3
BD13 Water quality and pollution risks Natural Environment N1
BD14 Ecosystems risks due to low flows and increased water demand Natural Environment N2, N3
BD15 Increased societal water demand Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B2
BD20 Major coastal flood/reconfiguration (includes coastal erosion) Natural Environment N1, N2
BD21 Agricultural intensification Natural Environment N1
BD23 Asynchrony between species breeding cycle and food supply Not being addressed in this programme
BD44 Saline intrusion Not being addressed in this programme
BD46 Loss of service through loss of keystone species Natural Environment N2, N3
BE4/FL15 Cultural heritage at flood/erosion risk Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2
BE5 Effectiveness of green space for cooling Not being addressed in this programme
BE9 Reduction in energy demand for heating Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2
BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 Property at significant risk of flooding Society Buildings and Infrastructure Networks S1, S3 B2
BE13 Rainwater penetration Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B3
BE31 Increase in damp, mould and insect pests in buildings Society Buildings and Infrastructure Networks S2 B1, B3
BE32 Waterlogging Not being addressed in this programme
BU1 Climate risks to investment funds Not being addressed in this programme
BU2 Monetary losses due to tourist assets at risk from flooding Not being addressed in this programme
BU3 Risk of restrictions in water abstraction for industry Not being addressed in this programme
BU4 Risks of business disruption due to flooding Not being addressed in this programme
BU5 Loss of productivity due to ICT disruption Not being addressed in this programme
BU6 Mortgage provision threatened due to increased flood risk Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B3
BU7 Insurance industry exposure to UK flood risk Society
BU8 An expansion of tourist destinations in Scotland Not being addressed in this programme
BU9 A decrease in output for businesses due to supply chain disruption Not being addressed in this programme
BU29 Loss of natural resource which attracts tourists leading to loss of revenue and requirements to shift assets Not being addressed in this programme
BUr1 Impacts on angling, gaming or course fishing Not being addressed in this programme
BUr2 Underestimation of decommissioning liabilities and end of life costs Not being addressed in this programme
EN1 Energy infrastructure at significant risk of flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B2, B3
EN2 Energy demand for cooling Not being addressed in this programme
EN4 Risk of restrictions in water abstraction for energy generation Not being addressed in this programme
EN5 Demand by water suppliers Not being addressed in this programme
EN6 Electricity turbine efficiency Not being addressed in this programme
EN7 Gas pipe compressor rating Not being addressed in this programme
EN8 Power station cooling process Not being addressed in this programme
EN10 Energy transmission efficiency capacity losses due to heat - over ground Not being addressed in this programme
ENr1 Fuel poverty (people affected) Society Buildings and Infrastructure Networks S2 B3
FL1 Number of people at significant risk of flooding Society S2, S3
FL2 Vulnerable people at significant risk of flooding Society S2, S3
FL8a Roads at significant risk of flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
FL8b Railways at significant risk of flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
FL11a/ENr2 Power stations at significant risk of flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
FL11b Sub-stations at significant risk of flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
FL13 Ability to obtain flood insurance for residential properties Society Buildings and Infrastructure Networks S2 B3
FL14a Agricultural land lost due to coastal flooding Not being addressed in this programme
FL14b Priority habitats lost due to coastal erosion Not being addressed in this programme
FL17 Impacts of geomorphological changes Not being addressed in this programme
FL7/FL24/FL27 Flooding of non-residential property Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B2,
FL41 Snowmelt flooding (reduced attenuation) Not being addressed in this programme
FO1a Forest extent affected by red band needle blight Natural Environment N2
FO1b Forest extent affected by green spruce aphid Natural Environment N2
FO2 Loss of forest productivity due to drought Natural Environment N3
FO3 Windthrow and storm damage Natural Environment N3
FO4b Increase of potential yield of Sitka spruce in Scotland Natural Environment N3
FO5 Biodiversity loss (forestry) Natural Environment N1, N2
FO7/FO14 Snow and frost damage Natural Environment N1
FO20/FO26 Winter hardening Not being addressed in this programme
HE1 Summer mortality due to higher temperatures Society S1, S2
HE2 Summer morbidity due to higher temperatures Society S1, S2
HE3 Extreme weather event (flooding and storms) mortality Society S1,
HE5 Decline in winter mortality due to higher temperatures Society S1,
HE6 Decline in winter morbidity due to higher temperatures Society S1,
HE7 Extreme weather event (flooding and storms) injuries Society S1, S2, S3
HE10 Effects of floods/storms on mental health Society S2
HE11/HE17 Increase in prevalence of certain vector-borne diseases (ticks and lymes) Not being addressed in this programme
HE15 Food borne diseases Not being addressed in this programme
HE16/MA2b Incidents of human illness due to hosts and pathogens Society S1, S2, S3
HE19 Increased algal or fungal/mould growth in buildings affecting respiratory conditions Society Buildings and Infrastructure Networks S2, S3 B3
MA1 Risk of harmful algal blooms due to changes in ocean stratification Natural Environment N2
MA2a Decline in marine water quality due to sewer overflows Not being addressed in this programme
MA3 Increased ocean acidification Natural Environment N1
MA4a Changes in fish catch latitude/centre of gravity (cod/haddock) Natural Environment N3
MA4b Changes in fish catch latitude/centre of gravity (plaice/sole) Natural Environment N3
MA5b Opening of Arctic shipping routes due to ice melt Not being addressed in this programme
MA6 Distribution of marine alien/invasive species Natural Environment N2
MA23 Plankton Blooms Natural Environment N2
MA30 Damage to cultured aquatic species Natural Environment N3
MA39 Physical effects of extreme events (flooding) on shallow marine habitats Natural Environment N1
MAr1 Species migration (marine) Natural Environment N2
TR1 Disruption to road traffic due to flooding Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
TR2 Landslide risks on the road network Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
TR6 Scouring of road and rail bridges Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B2, B3
TRr1 Coastal erosion Not being addressed in this programme
WA1 Warmer and drier conditions Natural Environment N2
WA2 Lower summer river flows (Q95) Natural Environment N1, N2
WA4 Changes in household water demand Not being addressed in this programme
WA5 Public water supply-demand deficits Natural Environment N2
WA9 Raw water quality Not being addressed in this programme
WA10 Combined sewer overflow spill frequency Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B1, B3
WA13 Changed recharge and groundwater levels Not being addressed in this programme
GNr1 Emergency response to events (floods) Society S1, S3
GNr2 Emergency response to events (fires) Natural Environment N3
GNr3 Customer demands (opportunities) Not being addressed in this programme
GNr4 Changes in global trading patterns Not being addressed in this programme
GNr5 Impact of outdoor leisure, sport and tourism Not being addressed in this programme
GNr6 Key workers unable to get to work due to extreme events or infrastructure failure Buildings and Infrastructure Networks B2
GNr7 Immigration to EU countries (including UK) and northwards migration within EU space; UK citizens living abroad may return to the UK, leading to increased demand for water, food, energy, health services etc. Not being addressed in this programme
GNr8 Cost of international emergency aid Not being addressed in this programme


N1 - Understand the effects resulting from climate change and their impacts on the natural environment AG1b Changes in wheat and spring barley yield
AG1c Changes in potato yield
AG1d Changes in spring barley yield
AG1e Changes in winter barley yield
AG3 Risk of crop pests and diseases
AG4 Drier soils (due to warmer and drier summer conditions)
AG10 Changes in grassland productivity
AG17/AG59 Increase in greenhouse gas emissions
AG19 Soil erosion and leaching
AG21 Waterlogging effects (annual)
AG25/AG51/AG52 Agricultural land classification and crop suitability
AG44 Livestock pests and diseases
AG66 Human food supply from domestic agriculture
BD6 Environmental effects of climate change mitigation measures
BD8 Changes in soil organic carbon
BD13 Water quality and pollution risks
BD20 Major coastal flood/reconfiguration (includes coastal erosion)
BD21 Agricultural intensification FO5 Biodiversity loss (forestry)
FO7, FO14 Snow and frost damage

MA3 Increased ocean acidification
MA39 Physical effects of extreme events (flooding) on shallow marine habitats
WA2 Lower summer river flows (Q95)
N1-1 Raising awareness of implications of climate change for nature. BD8 BD13 BD20
N1-11 Continue to fund the Strategic Research Portfolio in Rural and Environmental Science to improve the evidence base on the likely impacts of climate change on Scottish agriculture and ensure effective knowledge transfer of research outputs. AG1b/AG1c/AG1d/AG1e AG3 AG4 AG10 AG17/AG59 AG19 AG21 AG25/AG51/AG52 AG44 BD6 BD8 BD21
N1-12 Deliver the current programme of research work on the effects of climate change on Scottish food security as well as supporting the work of the UK Global Food Security Programme. AG66
N1-14 Establishment of a co-ordinated Energy Sector Climate Change impacts research programme which would consider the impacts of changing energy generation on biodiversity and ecosystem services. BD8 BD13
N1-9 Supporting citizen science and voluntary environmental monitoring. N/A
N1-2 Increase understanding of the implications of climate change for nature through data gathering, analysis and research. BD8 BD13 BD20
N1-3 Undertake spatial modelling, based around different scenarios, of potential risks to existing forests in order to evaluate the impacts that climate change could have on different forest types. FO5
N1-4 Improve understanding on how we can develop more resilient forests, identify adaptation strategies for all types of woodlands, and demonstrate these in forest settings. FO5 FO7
N1-5 Enhance collaborative research into tree pests and diseases to develop understanding of the etiology, pathology, epidemiology and management of pests/diseases in a changing climate. FO5 FO7
N1-10 Developing datasets to support flood risk, river and coastal management. AG2/FL4 AG21 MA39
N1-8 Understand the risks associated with coastal flooding through development and implementation of local flood risk plans. AG2/FL4 AG21 MA39
N1-6 Marine Scotland will use marine research strategies and monitoring programmes to gather data on the impact climate change is having on the seas. MA3
N1-7 Continue support for the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership ( MCCIP). MA3 MA39 WA2
N1-13 Manage and monitor changes to Scotland's transport infrastructure environment to detect impacts and changes on biodiversity and vegetation growing cycles. N/A - risks directly related to changing weather patterns i.e. warmer/drier summers; warmer wetter winters creating longer growing seasons.
N2 - Support a healthy and diverse natural environment with the capacity to adapt AG2/FL4 Flood risk to high quality agricultural land
AG3 Risk of crop pests and diseases

AG4 Drier soils
AG10 Changes in grassland productivity
AG19 Soil erosion and leaching
AG21 Waterlogging effects (annual)
AG26/AG27 Biodiversity/wildlife changes
AG44 Livestock pests and diseases
BD1 Risk to species and habitats due to drier soils
BD2 Risks to species and habitats due to coastal evolution
BD3 Risk of pests to biodiversity
BD4 Risks of diseases to biodiversity
BD5 Species unable to track changing climate space
BD9 Changes in species migration patterns
BD11 Generalists species more able to adapt than specialists
BD14 Ecosystems risks due to low flows and increased water demand
BD20 Major coastal flood/reconfiguration (includes coastal erosion)
BD46 Loss of service through loss of keystone species FO1a Forest extent affected by red band needle blight
FO1b Forest extent affected by green spruce aphid
FO5 Biodiversity loss (forestry)
MA1 Risk of harmful algal blooms due to changes in ocean stratification

MA6 Distribution of marine alien/invasive species

MA23 Plankton Blooms MAr1 Species migration (marine)
WA1 Warmer and drier conditions WA2 Lower summer river flows (Q95)
WA5 Public water supply-demand deficits
N2-2 The Scottish Planning Policy includes green networks, green space, street trees and other vegetation, green roofs, wetlands and other water features, and coastal habitats in helping Scotland to mitigate and adapt to climate change. BD1 BD3 BD4 BD5
N2-3 Demonstrate adaptive management in National Nature Reserves to help explain the implications of climate change for nature and demonstrate management that takes account of these implications. BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N2-5 Pilot the use of the Scottish Natural Heritage Wildlife Management Framework to integrate climate change risks into wildlife management decisions (including deer). BD1 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD46
N2-4 Manage designated sites for land based biodiversity . BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N2-6 Develop the ecosystem approach into a usable set of tools for use by decision makers. BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N2-7 Reduce the pressure on ecosystems from invasive non-native species ( INNS). BD3 BD4 BD9
N2-8 Implement the Land Use Strategy ( LUS) and associated action plan. BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N2-9 Implement the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N2-1 Review objectives and priorities for action in Scotland's Wild Deer: a National Approach ( WDNA). BD1 BD3 BD4 BD5
N2-10 Promote the UK Forestry Standard and Climate Change guidelines. FO1a FO1b FO5
N2-11 Embed climate change adaptation considerations, and potential responses such as habitat networks and green networks, into wider land use planning decisions through the use of Forestry and Woodland Strategies, regional land use strategies, and Strategic and Local Development Plans and development master-plans. FO1a FO1b FO5
N2-12 Improve the condition and connectivity of native woodlands, promote natural regeneration as a means of increasing resilience to change, and take other steps to increase adaptive capacity in woodlands. FO1a FO1b FO5
N2-23 Encourage the consideration of climate change impacts (and how they will be addressed) in Forest Plans, and support this with grants and regulations so as to ensure that forest plans support ecosystems and habitat resilience and allow resilience-building measures to be trialled by forest managers. FO1a FO1b FO5
N2-13 The National Marine Plan ( NMP) will set out objectives and policies for sustainable development of Scotland's seas; promoting economic growth while ensuring growth occurs in balance with the protection of natural and historic heritage. MA1 MA6 MA23 MAr1
N2-14 Regional Marine Plans will be developed from 2014 and will shape regional/local objectives and policies for coastal and marine management and include policies relating to climate change adaptation (and mitigation). MA1 MA6 MA23 MAr1
N2-15 Manage designated sites for the marine environment. MA1 MA6 MA23 MAr1
N2-16 Develop mechanisms to minimise the introduction and establishment of invasive non-native species into Scottish waters. MA6 MAr1
N2-17 Implement River Basin Management Plans ( RBMP). WA1 WA2 WA5
N2-18 Support the development of Local Flood Risk Management Plans. WA1 WA2 WA5
N2-19 Improve the condition of river Special Areas of Conservation as part of River Basin Management Plans. WA1 WA2 WA5
N2-20 Assess and manage coasts, promoting adaptive coastal management that works with natural processes. BD2 BD20
N2-21 Promote the Farming For A Better Climate Programme. . AG2/FL4 AG3 AG4 AG10 AG19 AG21 AG26/AG27 AG44
N2-22 Support the project "Future Proofing Scotland's Farming". Scotland's Farming Innovation Network and Planning for Profit. AG2/FL4 AG3 AG4 AG10 AG19 AG21 AG26/AG27 AG44
N3 - Sustain and enhance the benefits, goods and services that the natural environment provides

AG3 Risk of crop pests and diseases
AG4 Drier soils
AG19 Soil erosion and leaching
AG21 Waterlogging effects (annual)
Biodiversity/wildlife changes
AG44 Livestock pests and diseases
AG65 Loss of particular landscapes and associated rural communities, previously managed by livestock keepers
AG66 Human food supply from domestic agriculture
BD1 Risk to species and habitats due to drier soils
BD2 Risks to species and habitats due to coastal evolution
BD3 Risk of pests to biodiversity
BD4 Risks of diseases to biodiversity
BD5 Species unable to track changing climate space
BD9 Changes in species migration patterns
BD11 Generalists species more able to adapt than specialists
BD12 Wildfires due to warmer and drier conditions
BD14 Ecosystems risks due to low flows and increased water demand
BD46 Loss of service through loss of keystone species
FO2 Loss of forest productivity due to drought
FO3 Windthrow and storm damage
FO4b Increase of potential yield of Sitka spruce in Scotland
GNr2 Emergency response to events (fires)
MA4a Changes in fish catch latitude/centre of gravity (cod/haddock)
MA4b Changes in fish catch latitude/centre of gravity (plaice/sole)
MA30 Damage to cultured aquatic species

N3-1 Implement the EU reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. AG4 AG19 AG21 AG26/AG27 AG65
N3-2 Support Scotland's Animal Health Regime to help prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. AG44 AG66
N3-3 Support Scotland's Plant Health Service to help prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. AG3 AG66
N3-16 Sourcing For Growth Initiative. A knowledge hub to match food manufacturing companies with producers of quality Scottish produce has been set up to build on the nation's growing gourmet reputation. AG66
N3-17 Greater recognition of the role of integrated land management in tackling climate change. BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD9 BD11 BD14 BD46
N3-4 Promote the use of Ecological Site Classification, Forest GALES. FO2 FO4b
N3-7 Publish resources for managers of productive forests to help them develop more resilient forests in a changing climate and in the face of tree health threats. FO2 FO4b
N3-7 Promote tree health response contingency planning to enable rapid on-the-ground action to deal with new tree health threats and to enable targeted deployment of emergency measures. FO2 FO4b
N3-10 Enhance operational capacity to enable earlier detection and subsequent management of tree pests and diseases. FO2 FO4b
N3-5 Implement the Scottish Windthrow Contingency Plan to help minimise the financial impact of wind damage to commercial forests. FO3
N3-6 Support the Scottish Wildfire Forum to help ensure that land managers and the emergency services work together to prevent and manage wildfires. BD12
N3-9 Develop Operational Guidance for managing incidents of wildfire for fire and rescue service managers and personnel. BD12 GNr2
N3-11 Common Fisheries Policy ( CFP). Influence the EU reform of the CFP to ensure that it recognises the impacts of climate change and is flexible to environmental change. MA4a MA4b
N3-12 Improve targeting of species by using selective fishing gear and reducing discards through conservation credits and TR2 schemes. MA4a MA4b
N3-13 Manage the impacts of climate change to help fishing and aquaculture industries achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield ( MSY) by 2015, where possible, and by 2020 for all stocks at the latest. MA4a MA4b MA30
N3-14 Introduce new Technical Standards for containment by Scottish fish farms. MA30
N3-15 Fishing and aquaculture industries to develop and introduce new technologies for environmentally sustainable commercial fishing and aquaculture. MA4a MA4b MA30


B1 - Understand the effects of climate change and their impacts on buildings and infrastructure networks BE4/FL15 Cultural heritage at flood/erosion risk
BE9 Reduction in energy demand for heating
BE13 Rainwater penetration

BE31 Increase in damp, mould and insect pests in buildings
FL11a/ENr2 Power Stations at significant risk of flooding

FL8a Roads at significant risk of flooding
FL8b Railways at significant risk of flooding
FL11b Sub-station at significant risk of flooding
TR1 Disruption to road traffic due to flooding
TR2 Landslide risks on the road network

TR6 Scouring of road and rail bridges

WA10 Combined sewer overflow spill frequency
B1-1 Research to identify necessary resilience measures for new buildings. BE31 BE13 BE9
B1-2 Research to identify necessary resilience measures for existing buildings/heritage assets BE31 BE13 BE9 BE4/FL15
B1-4 Implement Secure and Resilient - A CNI Strategy for Scotland. ENr2/FL11a FL11b
B1-16 Develop an Energy Sector Climate Change impacts research programme. ENr2/FL11a FL11b
B1-5 Trunk Road Customer Care Survey, Passenger focus survey and National Household Survey. N/A
B1-6 National Transport Strategy (2006) TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a FL8b
B1-11 Scottish Road Network Climate Change Study (2005). TR1 TR6 FL8a
B1-8 Research under the Landslide Implementation Plan (2008). TR2
B1-9 Support the report on "Wetter weather, public transport and traffic/congestion patterns in urban areas". TR1 FL8a FL8b
B1-10 Establish a central coordinating point for information and data collection relating to climate effects on the transport network and for developing knowledge sharing activities for this sector. TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a FL8b
B1-7 A report on risks from fog projections. N/A
B1-12 Engagement with World Road Association and UK and European Road/Transport Authorities. TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a
B1-17 Assessment of potential sea level rise risk at specific Scottish ports. N/A
B1-18 Tomorrow Railways and Climate Change Adaptation ( TRACCA). TR6 FL8b
B1-19 To consider a long-term approach to the management of surface water to ensure that sewer systems are resilient to climate change. WA10
B1-13 Flood Risk Management Plans. WA10
B1-14 River Basin Management Plans ( RBMP) WA10
B1-15 Study of impact of flows on sewerage network. WA10
B1-3 Research to assess the benefits or property level flood protection products. BE4/FL15
B2 - Provide the knowledge, skills and tools to manage climate change impacts on buildings and infrastructure BD15 Increased societal water demand
BE4/FL15 Cultural heritage at flood/erosion risk
BE9 Reduction in energy demand for heating
BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 Property at significant risk of flooding
EN1 Energy infrastructure at significant risk of flooding
FL11a /ENr2 Power stations at significant risk of flooding

FL8a Roads at significant risk of flooding

FL8b Railways at significant risk of flooding
FL7/24/27 Flooding of non-residential property

FL11b Sub-stations at significant risk of flooding

GNr6 Key workers unable to get to work due to extreme events of infrastructure failure

TR1 Disruption to road traffic due to flooding

TR2 Landslide risks on the road network
TR6 Scouring of road and rail bridges
B2-1 Policy to introduce under the building regulations a new requirement to extend non-domestic sustainability labelling to school buildings. BE9 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 FL7/24/27
B2-4 Implement Historic Scotland's Climate Change Action Plan (2012-2017). BE4/FL15
B2-3 Water Use Efficiency. BE9
B2-2 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems ( SUDS) Working Party. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
B2-5 Joint agency climate action programme. BE4/FL15 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
B2-19 The drafting of regulations to implement Section 63 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. BE9
B2-20 To extend the requirement for sustainability labelling beyond schools to other non-domestic buildings. BE9 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24, FL7/24/27
B2-6 Liaise with industry on thermal generation (generation of electricity from sources that create heat, such as coal, gas and nuclear). EN1
B2-21 Establish a Scottish Government Energy Sector Flood Risk work stream. EN1 ENr2/FL11a FL11b
B2-8 Transport Scotland Asset Management Strategy. GNr6 TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a FL8b
B2-9 High Winds Strategy (2009). Strategy for managing the impacts of high winds on the trunk road network. GNr6
B2-10 Third and Fourth Generation road maintenance contracts. GNr6 TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a
B2-11 Implement the Scottish Integrated Maritime Transport Strategy. FL8a FL8b GNr6 TR1
B2-12 Road Scotland Act (1984): Asset Management Plans and Network Rail Asset Management Policy. TR6
B2-13 Road Scotland Act (1984): Implement Resilience Plans. GNr6 TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a
B2-14 Local Forest Management Strategies to Tackle Slope Instability. TR2
B2-15 High level output specification for railways; related to the public performance measures to consider "severe disruption". TR6 FL8b
B2-22 Network Rail Strategic Business Plan. TR6 FL8b
B2-16 Gather data to inform Scottish Water's investment programme from 2015 onwards which will address adaptation needs of water infrastructure. BD15
B2-17 Integrated approach to catchment modelling. BD15
B2-18 Manage leakage to water distribution network. BD15
B3 - Increase the resilience of buildings and infrastructure networks to sustain and enhance the benefits and services provided AG66 Human food supply from domestic agriculture
BE13 Rainwater penetration
BE31 Increase in damp, mould and insect pests in buildings
BU6 Mortgage provision threatened due to increased flood risk
EN1 Energy infrastructure at significant risk of flooding
ENr1 Fuel poverty (people affected)
FL11a /ENr2 Power stations at significant risk of flooding
FL8a Roads at significant risk of flooding
FL8b Railways at significant risk of flooding
FL11b Sub-stations at significant risk of flooding

FL13 Ability to obtain flood insurance for residential properties
HE19 Increased algal or fungal/mould growth in buildings affecting respiratory conditions
TR1 Disruption to road traffic due to flooding

TR2 Landslide risks on the road network
TR6 Scouring of road and rail bridges
WA10 Combined sewer overflow spill frequency
B3-1 Building Regulations Guidance. BE13 BE31
B3-2 Planning Advice Notes ( PAN). BE13 BE31
B3-3 Scottish Planning Policy ( SPP) (Climate Change). BE13 BE31
B3-4 Raise awareness and provide access to knowledge via Sust: Sustainability in Architecture programme. BE13 BE31
B3-5 Commission and promote demonstration projects in association with funders/developers about the benefits of incorporating sustainable design in their projects. BE13 BE31
B3-6 Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland. ENr1
B3-7 The Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing. ENr1
B3-8 Improve Housing Quality by ensuring all houses meet the tolerable standard, and that all social housing meets the Scottish Housing Quality Standard ( SHQS) by 2015. ENr1 BE31 HE19
B3-9 Develop draft regulations for consultation by 2015 which would set minimum standards for energy efficiency in private sector housing, likely to be under section 64 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. ENr1
B3-10 Promote Keeping Scotland Running - A Guide to Critical Infrastructure Resilience. EN1 ENr2/FL11a FL11b
B3-11 Civil Contingencies Act (2004): Transport resilience community engagement. TR1 TR2 TR6 FL8a FL8b
B3-15 High Level Output Specification and Scottish Ministers' Guidance to the Office of Rail Regulation. TR6, FL8b
B3-13 Improving driver skills in extreme weather (road and rail). FL8a FL8b
B3-16 Introduce new guidance on good public transport interchange design to cope with more extreme weather. N/A
B3-14 Market Driven Supply Chain. AG66
B3-13 River Basin Management Plans ( RBMP). WA10


S1 - Understand the effects of climate change and their impacts on people, homes and communities BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 Property at risk of flooding
GNr1 Emergency response to events (floods)

HE1 Summer mortality due to higher temperatures
HE2 Summer morbidity due to higher temperatures
HE3 Extreme weather event (flooding and storms) mortality
HE5 Decline in winter mortality due to higher temperatures
HE6 Decline in winter morbidity due to higher temperatures

HE7 Extreme weather events (flooding and storms) injuries
HE16/MA2b Incidents of human illness due to hosts and pathogens
S1-2 Research to identify and develop an understanding of communities, in particular, vulnerable groups to the flood risk impacts brought by climate change. HE7 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
S1-3 Build on the Health Protection Scotland Scoping Report on the effect of extreme weather events on public health to identify priority areas for action. HE7
S1-4 Assessment of new, emerging or re-emerging disease epidemiology and research. HE16/MA2b
S1-1 The Food Standards Agency ( FSA) to continue to develop a greater understanding of the main food borne disease related pathogens. HE16/MA2b
S1-7 Extreme Weather Event ( EWE) All Hazard Health Protection Plan. GNr1 HE1 HE2 HE3 HE5 HE6 HE7
S1-5 Undertake research to strengthen the resilience evidence base for risk assessment and planning purposes as well as partner and stakeholder engagement. GNr1
S1-6 Research to inform decision making about future resource allocation and 'spend to save' options - research should assess possible future economic impact on the Emergency and Rescue Services of climate change adaptation against current expenditure patterns. GNr1
S2 - Increase the awareness of the impacts of climate change to enable people to adapt to future extreme weather events BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 Property at significant risk of flooding
BE31 Increase in damp, mould and insect pests in buildings
ENr1 Fuel poverty (people affected)
FL1 Number of people at significant risk of flooding
FL2 Vulnerable people at significant risk of flooding
FL13 Ability to obtain flood insurance for residential properties
HE1 Summer mortality due to higher temperatures
HE2 Summer morbidity due to higher temperatures
HE7 Extreme weather events (flooding & storms) injuries
HE10 Effects of flood/storms on mental health
HE19 Increased algal or fungal/mould growth in buildings affecting respiratory conditions
HE16/MA2b Incidents of human illness due to hosts and pathogens
B3-1 Building Regulations Guidance. ENr1 BE31 HE19
S2-1 Eradicate fuel poverty by 2016 as far as practicable. ENr1
S2-2 Scottish Government to continue to raise awareness and provide information to society on how best to adapt to a changing climate. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 HE7 FL1 FL2
S2-3 The Food Standards Agency ( FSA) to improve the understanding of food safety related behaviour by consumers and targeted education to assist in greater consumer knowledge and understanding of risks in the domestic sector. HE16/MA2b
S2-14 Improve public information and access to guidance on heat waves. HE1 HE2
S2-5 Develop and promote resources which support capacity building in communities, to help build resilience to emergencies, including responding to severe weather events. FL1 FL2 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 HE7
S2-4 Develop psychosocial disaster recovery guidance to support a better response to people who have experienced trauma. HE10
S2-7 Undertake all risk resilience assessments across each of the National Infrastructure (NI) sectors, including the impacts of climate change. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 HE7
S2-6 Continue to develop the Ready Scotland website as a source of advice and information for the public about preparing for and managing the potential consequences of emergencies, including severe weather events. FL1 FL2 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 HE7
S2-15 Emergency and Rescue Services to consider opportunities for raising public awareness around flooding risks and protective activity. FL1 FL2 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 HE7
S2-8 Promote and support SEPA flood risk awareness raising activities. FL1 FL2 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 FL13
S2-9 Deliver Flood Warning Dissemination Programme to enable Floodline messages to be delivered direct to all registered users. FL1 FL2 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
S2-10 Increase awareness of flood risk and flood resilience in schools by working through the Curriculum for Excellence. FL1 FL2
S2-11 Ready For Emergencies resilience resource for schools. FL1 FL2
S2-12 Improve education on flood risk management to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of community resilience. FL1 FL2
S2-13 Support the Scottish Flood Forum. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 FL1 FL2
S3 - Support our health service and emergency responders to enable them to respond effectively to the increased pressures associated with a changing climate BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 Property at significant risk of flooding
FL1 Number of people at significant risk of flooding
FL2 Vulnerable people at significant risk of flooding
GNr1 Emergency response to events (floods)
HE7 Extreme weather events (flooding and storms) injuries
HE16/MA2b Incidents of human illness due to hosts and pathogens
HE19 Increased algal or fungal/mould growth in buildings affecting respiratory conditions
S3-2 Scotland Property and Asset Management Plans. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
S3-4 NHS Procurement and Estates to consider accommodation design for housing IT equipment. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24
S3-1 NHS Scotland Boards to develop individual Climate Change Adaptation Plans in accordance with the NHS Scotland Sustainable Development Strategy. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 GNr1
S3-5 Revise Scottish Capital Investment Manual to take account of changes in sustainable development policy and strategy. BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 GNr1
S3-15 Need to consider chronic diseases where a changing climate could add extra stresses e.g. warmer weather could worsen air quality (exacerbates effects of air pollution) and increased problems for asthma sufferers. HE16/MA2b
S3-3 VTEC/E.Coli 0157 Action Plan. HE16/MA2b
S3-14 Take forward appropriate 'Good Places Better Health for Scotland's Children' recommendations. HE19
S3-13 Support a Scottish flood forecasting service. HE7 BE10, BE11, BE12, BE15, BE18, FL6, FL24 FL1 FL2
S3-11 Promote and support the production of 'Lessons Learned' from agency debriefs on weather related events and action the lessons through changes to policy, processes and training. GNr1
S3-6 Improve Strategic Coordinating Groups ( SCGs) risk and impacts assessment guidance. GNr1
S3-9 Preparing Scotland suite of guidance. GNr1
S3-7 To enhance the capability of Scotland's Fire and Rescue services. GNr1
S3-10 Develop and extend training of accredited 'incident commanders'. GNr1
S3-12 Delivery of a wide programme of specialist and technical training. GNr1
S3-8 Continue to assess the potential impacts of environment factors on the delivery of police services through the Scottish Police Service Strategic Assessment. GNr1
AG7a Reduction in milk production due to heat stress Low risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
AG8a/b/AG15 Livestock heat stress factors Low risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
AG30/AG57/AG58 Breeding habits/reproductive nature of species Low risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
BD10 Biodiversity risks due to warmer rivers and lakes This is a prediction rather than a risk.
BD23 Asynchrony between species breeding cycle and food supply Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BD44 Saline Intrusion Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BE5 Effectiveness of green space for cooling Low risk (2050s), low confidence - too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BE32 Waterlogging Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU1 Climate risks to investment funds Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU2 Monetary losses due to tourist assets at risk from flooding Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU3 Risk of restrictions in water abstraction for industry Low risk (2020s), low confidence - too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU4 Risk of business disruption due to flooding Low risk (2020s), - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU5 Loss of productivity due to ICT disruption Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU8 An expansion of tourist destinations in Scotland This is a prediction rather than a risk.
BU9 A decrease in output for businesses due to supply chain disruption Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BU29 Loss of natural resource which attracts tourists leading to loss of revenue and requirements to shift assets Low risk (2020s), low confidence - too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
BUr1 Impacts on angling, gaming or course fishing Low risk until 2080s - defer to future Programmes.
BUr2 Underestimation of decommissioning liabilities and end of life costs Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
EN2 Energy demand for cooling Low risk until 2050s- defer to future Programmes.
EN4 Risk of restrictions in water abstraction for energy generation Low risk until 2080s.
EN5 Demand by water suppliers Low risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
EN6 Electricity turbine efficiency Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
EN7 Gas pipe compressor rating Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
EN8 Power station cooling process Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
EN10 Energy transmission efficiency capacity losses due to heat - over ground Low risk until 2080s - defer to future Programmes.
FL14a Agricultural land lost due to coastal flooding Low risk - although may present local issues.
FL14b Priority habitats lost due to coastal erosion Low risk - approximately 70% of Scotland's coastline is classified as hard.
FL17 Impacts of geomorphological changes Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
FL41 Snowmelt flooding No permanent snow caps in Scotland therefore no impact on water levels.
FO20/FO26 Winter hardening Low risk, low confidence - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
HE11/HE17 Increase in prevalence of certain vector-borne diseases (ticks and lymes) Overall low risk, may present local issues due to changes in ecosystems.
HE15 Food borne diseases Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
MA2a Decline in marine water quality due to sewer overflows This is a prediction rather than a risk.
MA5b Opening of the arctic shipping routes due to ice melt To be considered for future Programmes.
TRr1 Coastal erosion Low risk for Scotland, although may present local issues.
WA4 Changes in household water demand Not expected to be a major risk to Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
WA9 Raw water quality Science base limited, await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
WA13 Changed recharge and groundwater levels Not a current risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
GNr3 Customer demands (opportunities) Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
GNr4 Changes in global trading patterns Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
GNr5 Impact of outdoor leisure, sport and tourism Not a current risk for Scotland - defer to future Programmes.
GNr7 Immigration to EU countries (including UK) and northwards migration within EU space: UK citizens living abroad may return to the UK, leading to increased demand for water, food, energy, health services etc. Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.
GNr8 Cost of international emergency aid Too uncertain - await second UKCCRA to establish if evidence base has improved.


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