
Clinical and care governance framework: guidance

Guidance on the key elements and principles to be reflected in local clinical and care governance of integrated health and social care arrangements.

Annex A: Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014

Integration Planning and Delivery Principles

(1) The integration planning principles are:

(a) that the main purpose of services which are provided in pursuance of integration functions is to improve the wellbeing of service-users

(b) that, in so far as consistent with the main purpose, those services should be provided in a way which, so far as possible:

(i) is integrated from the point of view of service-users

(ii) takes account of the particular needs of different service-users

(iii) takes account of the particular needs of service-users in different parts of the area in which the service is being provided

(iv) takes account of the particular characteristics and circumstances of different service-users

(v) respects the rights of service-users

(vi) takes account of the dignity of service-users,

(vii) takes account of the participation by service-users in the community in which service-users live

(viii) protects and improves the safety of service-users,

(ix) improves the quality of the service,

(x) is planned and led locally in a way which is engaged with the community (including in particular service-users, those who look after service-users and those who are involved in the provision of health or social care)

(xi) best anticipates needs and prevents them arising

(xii) makes the best use of the available facilities, people and other resources.



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