
Clinical pathway for children and young people who have disclosed sexual abuse: consultation

This pathway is relevant for children under 16 years of age (or up to 18 years of age for young people with vulnerabilities and additional support needs).

Respondent Information Form

The respondent information form and consultation questionnaire are available in MS Word format (58KB)

CMO Taskforce: Clinical pathway for children and young people who have disclosed sexual abuse (2019)


This clinical pathway and guidance is for Healthcare Professionals working to support children under 16, (or up to 18 years of age for young people with vulnerabilities and additional support needs) who have disclosed sexual abuse in Scotland.

It outlines:

  • processes for supporting the immediate health and wellbeing of children and young people
  • processes for initiating recovery using trauma informed practice.
  • guidance on how to assess and manage clinical risk, ongoing safety and the provision of ongoing support and follow up.
  • processes for collection of forensic evidence, if required.
  • the legal framework and policy context in Scotland.

Why we are consulting?

The Chief Medical Officer's vision is for consistent, person centred, trauma informed healthcare and forensic medical services and access to recovery for anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault in Scotland. The findings of this consultation are a key part to how this vision will be delivered.

Consultation questions

Section 1: Introduction

1. Do you believe the pathway would improve and standardise services for children who have disclosed sexual abuse and their families?



If not, what improvements would you suggest?

2. Are there any key areas of research missing, or any general amendments you would suggest?

3. Do you have any further general comments on the pathway document?

Section 2: Context

1. Do you agree with the context given in the pathway document?



If not, which key areas or research you would like to be added, amended or removed?

Section 3: Clinical Pathway

1. Do you agree with the aims of the pathway?



If not, why not?

2. Do you agree with the layout and content of the pathway process?



If not, what improvements would you suggest?

Section 4: Medical Examination

1. Do you agree with the medical examination section of the pathway?



If not, why not?

2. Do you have any further comments or suggested amendments to the medical examination section of the pathway document?

Section 5: Appendices

1. Do you have any comments on the appendices of the pathway document?

Section 6: Final comments

1. Do you have any comments or additions on topics which are not covered in previous sections? Please be specific in your reasons and include any resources or references we should consider.



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