
Healthcare professionals - supporting adults who present having experienced rape or sexual assault: clinical pathway

The Adult Clinical Pathway provides information about the healthcare and Forensic Medical examination (FME) for victims of rape or sexual assault; the steps that should be followed by the clinician undertaking the examination; and the requirements for follow up care and ongoing support.

Summary Sheet of Taskforce Outputs

The Adult Clinical Pathway provides information about the healthcare and Forensic Medical examination (FME) for victims of rape or sexual assault; the steps that should be followed by the clinician undertaking the examination; and the requirements for follow up care and ongoing support. Further information about the purpose of this document can be found in section 1.1.

Information about the requirements for NHS healthcare and FME facilities in the territorial NHS Health Boards in Scotland is provided in the Health Board Service Specification document[1].

The findings of the healthcare, FME and follow up assessment will be captured in the National Clinical IT System, Cellma. Cellma is a digital version of the previous paper-based National Form, and contains a healthcare element and a forensic element. All Health Boards should adopt the use of Cellma into their clinical practice for FME for victims of rape or sexual assault. Some of the data fields that will be completed in Cellma will make up the national adult data set. For more information, please refer to Appendix C .



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