
Cloud Framework

A framework of guidance and resources to help Scottish public sector organisations adopt cloud services.


Cloud is essential to achieving our Digital Ambitions for Scotland.

What the framework does

The cloud framework provides guidance and resources to help public sector organisations in Scotland adopt and use cloud services.

It contains helpful guidance to:

  • prepare your organisation to deliver public services using public cloud in a secure and efficient manner
  • provide guidance on common challenges with cloud adoption, such as procurement, compliance and security

The framework does not replace those available from public cloud vendors. Instead, it provides more specific guidance for the Scottish public sector.

The content in the framework will be added to incrementally to include information on security, finance and skills development. The first release of the framework covers considerations relating to the procurement of cloud services.

Get started

You can use these resources in the way that makes sense for you. However, we recommend you:

  • read our Cloud Policy statement to ensure you understand the Scottish Government's position on cloud
  • share our Cloud Primer to establish a baseline understanding of cloud across your organisation
  • promote the Benefits of Cloud to help stakeholders understand the many benefits of using public cloud services.

For organisations who are ready to begin their cloud journey, the Cloud Preparation Plan provides guidance. Otherwise, you can navigate the materials in the framework for guidance on specific topics.



Telephone: 0300 244 4000


Cloud First
Cloud and Digital Services Division
Area 1H South
Victoria Quay

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