
Cloud Preparation Plan

A cloud adoption preparation guide for public sector organisations.

Define your Target Operating Model

A Target Operating Model (TOM) should set out how the business will operate to deliver services to internal and external customers. The purpose of this stage of the plan is not to define a complete operating model, but to start a conversation about:

  • how cloud adoption can act as a catalyst for improvements to the operation of your organisation
  • how your adoption of cloud services, in line with your motivations, will shift the balance of responsibilities (traditional infrastructure maintenance to agile development practices, for example).
  • what role your internal teams will play in delivering your organisation's vision and the future of your services
  • how you will fulfil the required roles, both during your cloud journey, and as your new operating model reaches maturity.


Determine how you intend to deliver services in future within the context of your digital estate rationalisation and objectives for cloud adoption.

Consider and discuss the following questions with colleagues across your organisation to help you:

  • is your organisation primarily a consumer of services, or do you provide a number of services for other organisations?
  • do you have sufficient internal capacity to effectively deliver, operate and maintain services?
  • do you have the scale and service complexity requirements to justify internal IT resources?
  • has your current skills profile had a disproportionately large influence on the rationalisation of your estate (lift and shift, heavy infrastructure focus)?
  • do any of your stated motivations or outcomes for cloud adoption indicate an increase in internal capability, or a move to a managed service arrangement?
  • does your organisation have a desire to develop services in-house, or focus on core business objectives?

Having considered these questions, outline your position on the provision of services in future.



Telephone: 0300 244 4000


Cloud First
Digital Transformation Division
Area 1H South
Victoria Quay

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