
Clyde cod spawning closure 2022-2023: consultation

Since 2001, a specific area in the Firth of Clyde has been closed to fishing each year between 14 February and 30 April, in order to protect spawning cod. This consultation is seeking views on continuing this closure for 2022 and 2023.


23. The following exemptions have been provided in previous years:

Area 1: Nephrops trawlers, scallop dredgers and creel vessels;

Area 2: Scallop dredgers and creel vessels.

24. For the 2022/23 closure, the Scottish Government proposes to retain these exemptions.

25. The South Arran Marine Conservation Order 2015 No. 437 (MCO)[10] prohibits and regulates fishing activities in the South Arran Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area Order 2014(MPA). Restrictions contained in the South Arran MCO which overlap with parts of the Clyde cod closure area, will continue to apply in addition to the measures which will be contained in the forthcoming Clyde cod closure SSI. Furthermore, consultations are due to take place regarding fisheries measures for the Clyde Sea Sill MPA in due course, having been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, in future, should the Clyde cod closure exemptions remain in place, they may not apply in areas within the Clyde Sea Sill MPA where other fisheries management measures may yet be introduced. Finally, as noted above, the proposed continuation of the Clyde cod closure exemptions would be subject to the planned Scottish Government and the Scottish Green party consultations and subsequent policy changes.



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