
Drug and alcohol services - co-occurring substance use and mental health concerns: survey

This report presents the results of a survey of individuals working within services that provide support to people who use drugs or alcohol. It forms part of a wider rapid review of co-occurring substance use and mental health concerns in Scotland.


1. DAISy is a national database designed to capture referrals to all tier 3 or 4 drug and alcohol treatment services in Scotland. The DAISy website is run by Public Health Scotland (PHS).

2. Questions 11 and 12 are excluded from the analysis as a result of a survey design error.

3. Responses are sometimes aggregated to protect the anonymity of individual respondents.

4. "Other" includes the Alcohol and Drug Partnership areas of Aberdeenshire, Angus, Argyll and Bute, Borders, Clackmannanshire and Stirling, Dundee, East Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Fife, Inverclyde, Mid and East Lothian, Moray, North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, Perth and Kinross, Renfrewshire, South Ayrshire, South Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire, West Lothian and Western Isles which have been aggregated due to low number of respondents.

5. "Other" includes NHS Borders, NHS Fife, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Western Isle which have been aggregated due to low number of respondents.

6. A mental health concern was defined as being either diagnosed, self-defined, or that the respondent believed the service user could benefit from mental health support.

7. "More than half" and "Most" aggregated

8. The same respondent also answered "half" to the subsequent question on the proportion of patients arriving with a formally diagnosed mental health condition.

9. "Common" and "very common" have been aggregated in the text.

10. 57 respondents

11. 56 respondents provided a response estimating how often treatment is offered for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

12. Respondents made reference to this service without providing a further definition of the support provided by these teams.

13. One respondent did not answer the question.

14. The respondents that answered "no" could also be due to their service not having service users that were supported by more than one service.

15. Data were missing for two respondents.



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