
Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group minutes: 11 March meeting

Minutes from the group's meeting on 11 March 2021.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government, Supporting Learners’ Team
  • Scottish Government, GIRFEC Team
  • Scottish Government, Health and Allied Health Professionals
  • ADES
  • ASLO
  • Education Scotland
  • Health and Education Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal
  • My Rights, My Say
  • National Parent Forum Scotland
  • EIS
  • Looked After Children rep
  • Voice
  • NAIT


  • Social Work Scotland
  • Skills Development Scotland

Items and actions

Minutes and actions from the previous meeting

Group members were content with the minutes from the previous meeting.

The group reviewed the actions arising from the previous meeting and updated were provided. The group agreed:


The group agreed that a representative from the CYPCS should be invited to join the short life working group.

Action: Scottish Government officials to engage with CYPCS to invite a representative to join the group.

Terms of reference

Group members were broadly content with the Terms of Reference following the amendments made. However, the group agreed that further reference should be made within the Terms of Reference to resourcing and this should be aligned to outcomes for children and young people. The group also agreed that care experienced children and young people need to be carefully considered within the work of this group.

Action: Scottish Government officials will meet with EiS representative to consider the Terms of Reference further and strengthen the links to resourcing aligned to outcomes for children and young people. Following this, a revised version will be circulated to the group for consideration and agreement. 

Action: Looked After Children rep will link in with CELCIS.

Whole system approach

The group considered the paper which was tabled about relational approaches to change and discussed the questions which were posed. The group agreed that awareness of ASL, the CSP and support services for children and young people and parents and carers is key. There are some misconceptions which need to be addressed and steps taken to provide early and simplified information to all those, not just those in education, who are involved in supporting children and young people. The group agreed to provide feedback on the questions by correspondence.

Action: the group to consider the questions in the paper on relational approaches to change and provide feedback to Scottish Government officials.

Action: the group to create a list of the common misconceptions to inform information that can be shared with children and young people, parents and carers and professionals across all sectors.

Action: the President of the Tribunal will share an anonymised decision on a reference related to a CSP when available.

Initial opportunities to address implementation issues 

Linked to the above discussion, the group considered the paper on initial opportunities to address implementation issues. It was agreed that this would be revised to include reference to social work and an additional section would be include on pro-actively providing information to children and young people. The paper will then be circulated for the group to consider feedback and suggestions for what some of the actions and next steps might be.

Action: paper on initial opportunities to be updated with the suggested revisions and circulated to the group to provide feedback and suggestions for actions and next steps. 


No items were raised.

Date of next meeting

A doodle poll will be circulated to agree a date for the next meeting of the group.

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