
Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group minutes: 28 June meeting

Minutes from the group's meeting on 28 June 2021.

Attendees and apologies


  • Scottish Government, Supporting Learners’ Team
  • Scottish Government, GIRFEC Team
  • Scottish Government, Health and Allied Health Professionals
  • ASLO
  • Education Scotland
  • Health and Education Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal
  • My Rights, My Say
  • National Parent Forum Scotland
  • EIS
  • NAIT
  • Looked After Children rep


  • Health and Education Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal
  • Scottish Government, Health representative  
  • Social Work Scotland
  • ADES
  • Voice
  • Scottish Government, GIRFEC Team

Items and actions

Minutes and actions from the previous meeting

Group members were content with the minutes from the previous meeting.

The group reviewed the actions arising from the previous meeting and updates were provided. The following actions were agreed:

Membership – Scottish Government (SG) officials have engaged with CYPCS to see if they would become members of the WG.  They have declined to formally join the group but are happy to engage where needed. Agreed to be invited to attend next meeting to discuss children’s rights.

Action:  SG officials to invite CYPCS to attend and present at the next WG meeting.

Terms of reference – Group members agreed the revised version of the ToR. 

Action:  SG officials have published the terms of reference and the minutes from previous meetings on the SG web pages.

Action:  CELCIS representative will have an initial discussion and feed in the work of the WG into the CELCIS network in the next academic session . 

Tribunal decision - The President of the Tribunal shared anonymised decisions.  NB All decisions are published on the Tribunal website. 

Barriers to implementation paper – this has been shared with CYPCS and SWS.

Sub-groups –  three sub-groups have been set up and members have been invited to join .

Update from the sub-groups

Members from the three sub groups provided updates on their meetings and work that they are progressing.  A summary of these discussions will be included in an interim update to ASLIG. 

Next steps

Group will consider how to report to ASLIG.  Report to ASLIG is due in October. 

Suggested that it would be good to have a collaborative space for the WG and sub groups to work on.  Objective Connect was suggested.

Action: SG officials will take this forward and set up Objective Connect for the group.

Suggested that the barriers paper could be used as a starting point for the report and drawn into themes.  All previous papers for the group should be considered and themes drawn out of them.  ASLIG have requested an update from the WG.  The update for ASLIG could also be drafted in the same way and used as the framework for the WG final report.

Action: SG officials to draft the update for ASLIG based on themes and share with WG for comment and clearance.


No items were raised.

Date of next meeting

A doodle poll will be issued for the next full meeting of the short-life working group.

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