
Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group minutes: 2 February meeting

Minutes from the group's meeting on 2 February 2021.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government, Supporting Learners’ Team
  • Scottish Government, GIRFEC Team
  • Scottish Government, Health and Allied Health Professionals
  • ADES
  • ASLO
  • Education Scotland
  • Health and Education Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal
  • My Rights, My Say
  • National Parent Forum Scotland
  • EIS
  • Social Work Scotland
  • Looked After Children rep
  • Voice
  • NAIT


  • Skills Development Scotland

Items and actions


Group members were content with the membership.

Action: to ensure there is a mechanism in place to engage with young people directly. My Rights, My Say are represented and will seek the views of young people through their existing networks. Scottish Government officials will also explore with their existing networks additional opportunities to feed in views of young people.

Terms of reference

Group members were broadly content with the draft terms of reference. 

Action: Scottish Government officials to redraft terms of reference to strengthen the links to GIRFEC and other key pieces of work – the Promise, Transitions. They will also consider how to reflect within the ToR, the points raised about the provision of adequate resourcing to support implementation of CSPs. A further draft will then be shared with the group for consideration and agreement.

Initial focus/next steps

Group members agreed sufficient information available through the ASL review to allow the group to identify the barriers to implementation. This can also be supplemented through additional information – i.e. Tribunal President can provide statistics on CSP references to the Tribunal.

Group members discussed barriers to successful implementation of CSPs and the opportunities to improve implementation. 

Group members discussed implementation within the context of existing legislation. There was discussion of the wording of the provisions, particularly “significant”. Some members asked that the group’s remit is widened to consider the legislation itself. However, there was not consensus on this from all members. It was agreed that the group will focus its considerations on alternative avenues to improving implementation. If following that, the group agreed that legislative change should be explored, any proposal for this should be remitted to ASLIG to consider. 

Action: Group members to consider and feedback additional barriers to implementation and whether there is any additional evidence available that the group should consider to support its understanding of those issues

Action: Scottish Government officials to draft a paper to capture the opportunities for engagement for the group to consider at its next meeting.

Frequency of meetings

Group members agreed to meet monthly. Next meeting will be March.


Group members agreed that the terms of reference (when agreed) and actions from meetings will be published on SG website.

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