CO2 mine gas - site investigation and risk assessment: best practice

Report collating current practice in local authorities and provide a summary assessment of options to deliver a standardised ‘good practice’ approach to risk assessment, reporting, mitigation and verification of mitigation measures for mine gas.

7. References

British Standard Institution (BSI) (2019), 'BS 8485:2015+A1:2019. Code of practice for the design of protective measures for methane and carbon dioxide ground gases for new buildings'.

British Standards Institution (BSI) (2013), BS8576:2013. Guidance on investigations for ground gas – permanent gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), (2008), The Local Authority Guide to Ground Gas. Wilson, Card and Haines, September 2008.

CIRIA (2019). Abandoned mine workings manual (C758D).

CIRIA (2014). Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems for buildings against hazardous ground gases (C735).

CIRIA (2007). Assessing risks posed by hazardous ground gases to buildings (C665).

CIRIA (1995). Interpreting Measurements of Gas in the Ground, R151. (INFO-RA2-4d).

CL:AIRE (2021). Good practice for risk assessment for coal mine gas emissions. (ISBN 978-1-905046-39-3).

Coal Authority (2021). Planning applications: Coal Mining Risk Assessments. [Accessed 1 February 2021).

Coal Authority (2017). Risk based approach to development management. Guide for developers. Version 4.

Environment Agency (2012). Good practice for decommissioning redundant boreholes and wells. LIT 6478 / 657_12.

Environment Agency (2023). Land contamination risk management,

Environmental Protection Scotland (2019; EPS). 'Land contamination and development guidance'. Version 2.12, August 2019.

National Brownfield Forum (2022). National Quality Mark Scheme for Land Contamination Management. Version 8.0, August 2022.

NHBC (2023). Hazardous ground gas – an essential guide for housebuilders (NF94).

SEPA (undated). Good practice for decommissioning redundant boreholes and wells.

The Scottish Government (2017). Planning advice note PAN 33 development of contaminated land. [Accessed 15 April 2021].

The Scottish Government. (2019a). Research project to investigate prevalence of CO2 from disused mineral mines and the implications for residential buildings. [online] [Accessed 1 Feb. 2021].

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Wilson, S. and Lucas, J. (2018). Ground gas monitoring and 'worst-case' conditions, CL:AIRE Technical Bulletin TB17.



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