
Code of Guidance on Homelessness

Tackling homelessness is central to the Scottish Executive’s strategy for providing routes out of poverty and disadvantage and promoting economic inclusion. We have put in place forward-looking and ambitious policies to prevent and alleviate homelessness,

Annex B - Summary of contacts referred to in the Code

Paragraph 2.40: social care advisor for the Scottish Prison Service; Tony McNulty, Social Care Adviser, Scottish Prison Service, Calton House, 5 Redheughs Rigg, EH12 9HW

Paragraph 2.51: Veterans Agency: 0800 169 2277 (free helpline) e-mail website http://www.veteransagency.mod.ukSSAFA Forces Help provide housing advice: tel 020 7403 8783

Paragraph 2.74: Mortgage to rent team at Communities Scotland: tel 0131 479 5188 or e-mail

Paragraph 2.87 - Scottish Social Networks Forum Co-ordinator at Rock Trust - Lesley Stenhouse on 0131 557 4059 (switchboard) 0131 524 9869 (direct) 07977 987 308 (mobile) or email

Paragraph 2.90 - National furniture co-ordinator - Linsay Chalmers tel: 07980 895182 or e-mail: or see website

Paragraph 2.91 - contact the National Rent Deposit Forum's Development officer (Scotland) at or see website .

Paragraph 2.94 contact the Scottish Homelessness and Employability Network at SHEN tel 0131 226 4383 or see website .

Paragraph 3.19 contact the Scottish Housing Best Value Network at Research & Development Co-ordinator, SHBVN, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS. Telephone: 0131 451 4603 Or see website at

Appendix 13C
Paragraph 5 - NASS outreach regional team:
Colin Mitchell
Outreach Team Leader
Festival Court
200 Brand Street
Glasgow G51 1DH
tel: 0141 419 1321

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