
Assessment and control of odour nuisance from waste water treatment: code of practice

Voluntary code of practice on odour control from sewage works.


1. Environment Agency Technical Guidance Note IPPC H4, Horizontal Guidance for Odour, DRAFT, October 2002

2. Where the inlet odour concentrations are very low and the 95% destruction efficiency is difficult to demonstrate due to measurement reproducibility and equipment efficiency at low concentrations, the final discharge to air should contain less than 500 odour units/m 3.

Butterfly logo

Small changes in the way we perform everyday tasks can have huge impacts on Scotland's environment.

Walking short distances rather than using the car, or being careful not to overfill the kettle are just two positive steps we can all take.

This butterfly represents the beauty and fragility of Scotland's environment. The motif will be utilised extensively by the Scottish Executive and its partners in their efforts to persuade people they can do a little to change a lot.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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