
Waste management - code of practice on sampling and reporting at materials facilities: consultation document

We intend to issue a new Code of Practice on sampling and reporting at materials facilities to replace the current Code issued on 2 March 2015. The draft code of practice was open for consultation until 19 April 2024.

7. Questions on section 4: input sampling and reporting obligations

38. This section applies to any authorised MF operator handling 1000 tonnes or more of dry recyclable waste per annum and:

  • Sorting dry recyclable waste into specified output material, and/or
  • Consolidating or ‘bulking’ dry recyclable waste from two or more suppliers.

39. Subsections 4.1 and 4.2 require all such MF operators to carry out input sampling and specify how this is to be done. Subsection 4.1 is lightly edited from the current Code for clarity. Subsection 4.2 follows the current Code with the following substantial changes:

  • Sampling must be undertaken more frequently; once every 75 tonnes rather than every 125 tonnes.
  • While the minimum average weight per sample remains 60kg, we have added a requirement for every individual sample to weigh at least 55kg in line with the England and Wales regulations.
  • Operators must identify, for each sample, data on the weight and type of packaging (including drink containers) in the sample, broken down by each type of target, non-target, and nonrecyclable material.
  • New categories of material grades have been added as requirements to identify; plastic pots/tubs/trays, plastic bottles, plastic film/other flexible plastic, aluminium, steel and fibre-based composite material.

40. Subsection 4.3 is lightly edited from the current Code for clarity.

41. Subsection 4.4 sets out the reporting requirements for input sampling. It follows the current Code with the following substantial changes:

  • Requirement to report details of batch and supplier
  • Removal of requirement to report mean and standard deviation

Q12. Does the draft Code clearly state input sampling obligations?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please provide details of anything that is unclear.

Q13. Does the draft Code clearly state reporting obligations for input sampling?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please provide details of anything that is unclear.



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