
Waste management - code of practice on sampling and reporting at materials facilities: consultation document

We intend to issue a new Code of Practice on sampling and reporting at materials facilities to replace the current Code issued on 2 March 2015. The draft code of practice was open for consultation until 19 April 2024.

8. Questions on section 5: output sampling and reporting obligations

42. This section applies to any authorised MF operator handling 1,000 tonnes or more of dry recyclable waste per annum and sorting dry recyclable waste into specified output material. That is, it applies to facilities in scope of the current Code, and not to facilities newly in scope.

43. Subsection 5.1 sets out the output sampling obligations for MF operators in scope. The major addition to the current Code is to require, for each sample, data on the weight and type of packaging (including drink containers) in the sample, broken down by each type of target, non-target, and nonrecyclable material.

44. Subsection 5.2 sets out how the sampling in subsection 6.1 must be carried out. This includes minimum requirements for the grades that each material category must be broken down into. The main change from the current draft is to add “fibre-based composite” as a material category with a minimum sampling frequency of one 50kg sample per 60 tonnes. Reporting grades for this category are given as “Wax coated paper cups” and “Other fibre-based composite food and drink cartons”; we would welcome feedback on this.

45. We have also taken this opportunity to amend the Code to provide (in line with England and Wales) that where a sample contains multiple materials, the applicable minimum frequency is to be determined by the material in the sample which has the highest sampling frequency, and the minimum weight of the sample is to be the minimum weight of sample associated with that material.

46. Subsection 5.3 sets out the reporting requirements for output sampling. It follows the current Code with the following substantial changes:

  • Required to report packaging separately (as per change to sampling in paragraph 43).
  • Removal of requirement to report mean and standard deviation.

Q14. Does the draft Code clearly state output sampling obligations?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please provide details of anything that is unclear.

Q15. Does the draft Code clearly state reporting obligations for output sampling?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please provide details of anything that is unclear.

Q16. Do you agree with the grades of sampling for fibre-based composite set out in the draft Code?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please provide details of any suggested amendments or additions to the grades we have included in the draft.

Q17. Do you agree with the provision in the draft Code for output samples containing multiple materials?

  • a. Yes
  • b. No
  • c. Don’t know

If you answered ‘No’, please give your reasons.



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