Welfare of cats: code of practice

Best practice guidance to help those responsible for cats meet the duty of care under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.

Section 3: the need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns

3.1. This section offers guidance on your cat's behaviour.

3.2. Although cats have lived with us for centuries, their behaviour is still very close to that of their wild ancestors. Cats look and behave as they do because they are basically hunters and still need to have an outlet for these natural behaviours. Cats have learned to adapt to our domestic routines and how we live our lives, but they also need to be able to display their natural behaviour patterns.

Early experiences

3.3. Some cats are naturally more confident than others. However, the way that each cat behaves is also influenced by experiences during the first 8 - 10 weeks of life. You should ensure that your kitten meets and interacts positively with people, including children, dogs and other cats as well as coming into contact with normal household sights and sounds. Generally, cats that are well 'socialised' at this early age will be able to cope confidently as adults with most new situations and people.

3.4. Adult cats that have not had these early experiences may find it difficult to cope with day-to-day family life. They may find it stressful and be very nervous, hiding away a great deal of the time. As kittens may not go to new homes until they are about 8 weeks old or older, it is up to the owner or breeder of the litter to make sure that the kittens are well socialised if they are to develop into confident, happy pet cats.

Boredom and frustration

Your cat should have plenty of things to stimulate it mentally

3.5. Cats that are kept indoors or prefer this lifestyle rely on you to provide everything for them, including entertainment. You should ensure that your cat has enough mental stimulation from you and from its environment to avoid boredom and frustration. It is your responsibility to provide opportunities for your cat to satisfy its behavioural needs, such as play (hunting behaviours) and companionship.

3.6. Some cats that are frustrated may begin to exhibit behavioural changes such as withdrawal, overeating, sleeping more and possibly aggression or over-grooming.

Signs of stress

Observe your cat closely for signs of stress or changes in behaviour

3.7. Cats respond to stress in different ways and it is important that you can recognise any changes in the behaviour of your cat. In most cases, where cats are afraid, they prefer to run away to a quiet and hidden location. This is normal behaviour, but is reason for concern if it happens more than just occasionally.

3.8. When a cat is frightened or cannot escape, this can lead to aggression. A cat that is not used to people may hiss, spit or lash out when cornered.

3.9. Some cats that are afraid may not carry out their normal routine activities, such as eating, sleeping and grooming. Your cat may soil in the house if afraid to go outside or go to the litter tray. A cat may also spray urine indoors if stressed; this is especially the case if other cats are causing it to feel stressed.

3.10. When cats are very stressed over a longer period of time, they can develop abnormal behaviours. These may include:

  • being quiet and subdued or going missing for a few days
  • being very nervous and watchful
  • being unusually aggressive to people or other cats
  • stopping eating, drinking or grooming
  • overeating
  • being restless and not sleeping or sleeping excessively
  • howling or making unusual vocal sounds
  • panting
  • soiling or spraying urine indoors
  • persistently hiding away
  • being unusually affectionate
  • pacing or 'patrolling' around the house
  • excessive grooming of the coat, or pulling out fur
  • being hypersensitive or over-reactive

3.11. It is important that you are able to recognise any of these signs of stress in your cat; some may also be signs of illness. If you are concerned, you should contact your vet who may refer you to a clinical animal behaviourist.

Avoiding danger

Provide a place where your cat feels secure so that it can avoid things that frighten it

3.12. Fear and anxiety are normal responses that enable animals to avoid dangerous situations. However, animals that are put in situations where they are constantly fearful become very stressed and this can affect their health and welfare.

3.13. Part of a cat's natural behaviour is hiding from a real or perceived danger as well as from stressful circumstances. Some cats prefer to hide inside or under things while others prefer to climb up high. You should provide a secure hiding place that your cat can easily reach at all times so that it can hide away from stressful situations, such as contact with other animals or people. You should make sure that such facilities are available for each cat if you have more than one.

Hunting behaviour

Your cat should be able to show typical hunting behaviours

3.14. It is natural for cats to display hunting behaviours. This is not linked to hunger, as cats that have recently eaten will sometimes still try to hunt. If your cat does not or cannot go outdoors, you should play with it to mimic these hunting behaviours, using indoor toys and games. These can include a lightweight rolling toy or one that involves catching behaviour, such as fishing rod type toys. Indoor cats can also find mental stimulation in feeding from 'puzzle feeders' that release dried food gradually and from finding food hidden around the house.

3.15. Avoid using your hands and feet when playing with your cat as this may encourage aggressive behaviour in your pet when, for example, someone tries to stroke it.

Claw conditioning

3.16. Scratching or 'claw conditioning' is part of normal cat behaviour. Cats condition their claws for various reasons, and regular scratching removes the frayed and worn outer claws, exposing the new and sharper claws growing underneath. It also exercises and strengthens the muscles used when the claws move in and out of the paw, which is essential for a cat's normal behaviour of climbing and catching prey. There are also glands between the pads of a cat's feet, so scratching leaves scent marks.

3.17. Cats prefer somewhere to condition their claws that is tall enough for them to exercise at full stretch. This is why cats often scratch furniture or doors to condition their claws. To avoid or reduce damage to furniture you can provide a scratching post; these are available from most pet shops or can be home-made. The post should be high enough for the cat to exercise at full body stretch and stable enough so that it will not fall over when used.

Reproductive behaviour

3.18. Reproduction is one aspect of a cat's natural behaviour. You should, however, consider neutering your pet for the reasons outlined in Section 5.


3.19. Make sure your cat has opportunities to exercise each day to stay fit and healthy. If it does not go outside, provide suitable indoor activities to keep your cat active.

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