Mental Health Partnership Delivery Group: collaborative commitments plan

The Partnership Delivery Group’s cross-sector collaborative commitments plan sets out actions across priority themes to improve our multi-agency approach to supporting those experiencing mental health distress.


Strong communication is critical to the success of these collaborative commitments.

Those who access services and support at times of crisis need to know who to turn to, while agencies and partners require strong communication to support delivery of person centred and outcome focused responses. This strong inter-agency communication builds on the existing relationships between partners and stakeholders at a local, regional and national level.

The activities described across all thematic areas build on the work already delivered, and underway, through the Mental Health Unscheduled Care Network (MHUCN).

1. We will develop a multi-agency communication strategy to promote access to the most appropriate service/pathways, highlighting best practice and improve collaboration.

What will this do?

  • Improve internal communication to frontline staff.

  • Improve communication to raise public awareness of routes to support and agencies who provide support during periods of distress/crisis.

  • Advocate cultural change with the public and frontline staff.

  • Improve service experience for those in distress and/or crisis.

Who will lead?

  • PDG membership.

When will we do it by?

  • During 2025.

2. We will ensure opportunities are identified and progressed to raise awareness of available pathways into support and care.

What will this do?

  • Provide clear communication on routes to urgent mental health support, aligned to messaging on NHS Inform.

  • Explore opportunities to further raise awareness of the available pathways into support and care.

  • Develop tailored messaging for specific population and equalities groups to improve access to unscheduled care services and equity of service experience.

Who will lead?

  • PDG membership.

When will we do it by?

  • Throughout 2025-28.



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