Mental Health Partnership Delivery Group: collaborative commitments plan

The Partnership Delivery Group’s cross-sector collaborative commitments plan sets out actions across priority themes to improve our multi-agency approach to supporting those experiencing mental health distress.

Data, Evidence, Benchmarking, and Improvement

The Mental Health Dashboard is a Police Scotland internal tool used to understand and respond to mental health demand across the country, drawing from data held in Police Scotland’s call recording and management system, STORM. The data is broken down into several themes, specifically:

  • Mental health related incidents

  • Incident repeat

  • Incident type and missing person temporal

  • Missing person demand location

We know that providing a collaborative response requires access to data to inform decision making, and that this requires robust and proactive data sharing approaches to be in place. Alongside sharing of operational data it is essential that robust metrics and management information are available to evidence both current demand and overall improvements in experience for those using services.

16. We will launch the Mental Health Data Dashboard.

What will this do?

  • Provide a better understanding of the demand picture and incident type for mental health distress /crisis response.

Who will lead?

  • Police Scotland.

When will we do it by?

  • End of 2024, to be further enhanced during 2025 based on feedback received.

17. We will deliver the multi-agency data linkage project.

What will this do?

  • Provide an understanding of opportunities for data linkage across justice system partners and others to understand how data linkage may support earlier intervention to improve outcomes for individuals.

  • Improve understanding of opportunities for data linkage.

Who will lead?

  • SPA.

When will we do it by?

  • During 2025.

18. We will continue work with Public Health Scotland to collect and report consistent data to underpin Mental Health Unscheduled Care improvements

What will this do?

  • Provide a better understanding of local pathways, and how people are accessing unscheduled care support locally.

Who will lead?

  • MHUCN.

  • PHS.

When will we do it by?

  • Continuation of ongoing work during 2025.

19. We will review insights from existing research to inform new/revised delivery models.

What will this do?

  • Improve understanding of models for ‘transfer of care’ in other policing jurisdictions outwith Scotland.

  • Provide examples of practice to inform design of models specific to Scotland.

  • Provide clarity on how Scotland benchmarks/compares to other areas.

Who will lead?

  • SPA.

When will we do it by?

  • During 2025.



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