Collaborative and Compassionate Cancer Care: cancer strategy for children and young people 2021–2026

This Managed Service Network (MSN) for Children and Young People with cancer (CYPC) strategy celebrates the achievements to date as well as setting out ambitions for the coming 5 years.

Background and Context

The Managed Service Network for Children and Young People with Cancer aims to make a positive difference for children and young people with cancer, their families and carers, by sharing knowledge, skills and experience. The MSN CYPC has led the development of a single national cancer service for Scotland, comprising of Principal Treatment and Shared Care Centres. Collaborative and Compassionate Cancer Care, our new cancer strategy, showcases our expectations for high quality cancer care over the next five years.

Every year in Scotland, approximately 180 children up to the age of 16 and 200 teenagers and young adults (TYAs) between the ages of 16-25 are diagnosed with cancer. Recent data on cancer outcomes is encouraging. The types of cancers seen in children and young people are different from those in adults and generally more treatable. Over 80% of children diagnosed with cancer before the age of 15 years can expect to be alive more than five years after the diagnosis. For those between the ages of 15-24 years that rises to more than 90%. These high rates of cure result from many decades of clinical research. The MSN CYPC will continue to contribute to national and international research projects which aim to maximise cure for those with the highest risk disease and minimise treatment burden for those who are already curable.

This cancer strategy is divided into six interlocking sections:

1. Reflections on our development as a national network to date

2. Providing the evidence and data to demonstrate the current landscape

3. Focusing on patient pathways that are developed and informed by outcome measures that ensure quality of care

4. Confirming our methods to measure our success against our objectives

5. Confirming the process undertaken to deliver this strategy

6. Collective actions required to achieve success

Our second cancer plan for children and young people with cancer (2016-2019) set out its vision to deliver a world class national service (Scottish Government, 2016a). The MSN CYPC was charged with delivering this vision and ensuring that all young cancer patients received the right diagnosis, the right treatment, by the right team and in the right place. The MSN CYPC has successfully accomplished a wide ranging and varied programme of activity during this time period, recognising that a number of projects are still to be completed; however it is intended that the majority of these will be carried forward into this new strategy. All will involve partnership working between the MSN CYPC, NHS Scotland Health Boards, front line clinical staff, the third sector and service users to deliver high quality cancer care that is driven by evidence and best practice; with all aiming to provide assurance on the quality of cancer care for children and young people and to inform evidence based planning, management and policy development.

In preparing this new strategy, we consulted widely with stakeholders including NHS Scotland health professionals, patients, families and our colleagues within the third sector. Their valued contributions have shaped its development and our future.



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