
Coming home: complex care needs and out of area placements 2018

Report on out of area placements and delayed discharge for people with learning disabilities and complex needs.

8 Summary of Recommendations

8.1.1 Theme One: Strengthening Community Services

Recommendation 1: Develop options for access to crisis services for people with learning disabilities and complex needs, with a view to providing direct support to service provider or family placements which are at risk of breakdown.

Recommendation 2: Consider the role of flexible support responses, to be used when placements are experiencing significant difficulty. The need for this should be informed by the use of risk registers to identify individuals at risk of out-of-area or hospital placement.

Recommendation 3: Ensure that greater consideration is given to family support for the family carers of people with learning disabilities and complex needs.

8.1.2 Theme Two: Developing Commissioning and Service Planning

Recommendation 4: Take a more proactive approach to planning and commissioning services. This should include working with children's services and transitions teams; the use of co-production and person-centred approaches to commissioning; and HSCPs working together to jointly commission services.

Recommendation 5: Identify suitable housing options for this group and link commissioning plans with housing plans locally.

8.1.3 Theme Three: Workforce Development in Positive Behavioural Support

Recommendation 6: The Scottish Government should seek partnership with a University to provide PBS training across the health and social care workforce in relation to people with learning disabilities and complex needs.

Recommendation 7: The Scottish Government should support the establishment of a PBS Community of Practice.


Email: Jacqueline Campbell

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