Coming Home Implementation: report from the Working Group on Complex Care and Delayed Discharge

The report from the working group into Delayed Discharge and Complex Care which makes recommendations of actions to be taken at national and local levels to reduce the number of delayed discharges and out-of-area placements for people with learning disabilities and complex care needs.


1. Details regarding membership of the SLWG and of the sub-group are listed in Appendix Five.

2. Challenging Behaviour: A Unified Approach' Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Psychological Society & Royal College of SALT 2007

3. Defined in Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities: prevention and interventions for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges NICE guideline 11, 2015

4. Delayed discharge was defined as per the NHS Scotland Delayed Discharge Definitions Manual (NHS National Services, 2016) See also Appendix 4.

5. This does not include one HSCP which did not provide data.

6. See Appendix 3

7. See Appendix 3

8. Public Health Scotland data (2018/19)

9. Calculated on a population share basis

10. Noted in appendix 2, section 2

11. Obligations listed at Annex 5



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