
Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers

The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

10. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

CfE Curriculum for Excellence

C&G City and Guilds

CLPL Career Long Professional Learning

CITB Construction Industry Training Board

CPD Continuing Professional Development

ELC Early Learning Centre

FA Foundation Apprenticeship

FBAASS Farm Business Accredited Adviser Scheme Scotland

FE Further Education

GTCS General Teaching Council for Scotland

HE Higher Education

HECoS The Higher Education Classification of Subjects

HEI Higher Education Institute

HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency

HIE Highland and Islands Enterprise

HN Higher National

HNC Higher National Certificate

HND Higher National Diploma

IAgrE Institute of Agricultural Engineers

ILG Industry Leadership Group

LEAF Learning About Forests

LMI Labour Market Intelligence

LfS Learning for Sustainability

MA Modern Apprenticeship

NC National Certificate

NFUS National Farmers’ Union of Scotland

NPA National Progression Award

NPORS National Plant Operators Registration Scheme

NPTC National Proficiency Test Council

NRS National Records Scotland

RESAS Rural & Environmental Science and Analytical Services

RHET Royal Highland Education Trust

RPL Recognition of Prior Learning

SAAB Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board

SAIC Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre

SAYFC Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs

SDS Skills Development Scotland

SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

SFC Scottish Funding Council

SG Scottish Government

SIC Standard Industrial Classification

SfW Skills for Work

SLE Scottish Land and Estates

SME Small or Medium Sized Enterprise

SOC Standard Occupational Classification

STEM Science Technology Engineering and Maths

SQA Scottish Qualifications Authority

UHI The University of the Highlands and Islands



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