
Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers

The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

Appendix 10: HEI and FE Gender Balance and Protected Characteristics

Enrolments on Land-Based and Aquaculture courses at Scottish HEIs: 2020-21
Full Time Part Time All
Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total
05-Others in veterinary sciences 365 25 390 30 - 30 400 25 425
05-Veterinary medicine and dentistry 1325 300 1625 150 40 190 1475 340 1815
06-Agricultural sciences 10 10 20 55 25 80 65 35 100
06-Agriculture 800 425 1225 145 140 285 945 560 1505
06-Animal Science 135 15 150 140 25 165 275 45 320
06-Food and beverage production 25 105 130 15 20 35 35 125 160
06-Food and beverage studies (non-specific) 140 35 175 5 - 5 140 35 175
06-Food sciences 55 30 85 - - - 55 30 85
06-Forestry and arboriculture 25 80 105 15 40 55 40 120 160
06-Rural estate management 85 80 165 40 30 70 125 115 240
26-Earth sciences 555 520 1075 85 75 160 635 595 1230
26-Environmental sciences 470 345 815 285 230 515 755 570 1325
26-Geography (non-specific) 120 75 195 5 10 15 125 85 210
26-Others in geographical studies 40 50 90 10 10 20 55 60 115
26-Physical geographical sciences 725 430 1155 105 95 200 830 525 1355
All 4875 2525 7400 1085 740 1825 5955 3265 9220

Source: HESA Student data, SG analysis

Gender Data Comparison
Other subjects Land-Based Total Land-Based %
Female 138,723 2620 141,343 40
Male 129,991 3819 133,810 59
Other 2428 39 2467 1
Total 271,142 6478 277,620

Source: HESA Student data

Modern Apprenticeship – starts by gender 2021/22
Frameworks Number of Starts
Female Male Prefer not to say/in another way Total
Agriculture 14 58 0 72
Aquaculture 7 70 0 77
Aquaculture Management Technical Apprenticeship 0 23 0 23
Equine 9 0 0 9
Game and Wildlife Management 0 9 0 9
Horticulture 13 196 0 209
Land-Based Engineering 0 50 0 50
Rural Skills 0 5 0 5
Trees and Timber 5 20 0 25
Wood and Timber Industries 0 12 0 12

Source: Skills Development Scotland

Ethnic Group FE Other subjects Land-Based Total
Asian 8060 115 8175
Black 5435 35 5470
Mixed 1800 35 1830
Not known 34975 1090 36070
Other 4360 35 4395
White 216,515 5165 221,680
Total 271,140 6480 277,620

Source: Scottish Funding Council

Enrolments at Scottish HEIs by subject and key characteristics: 2020/21
Personal Characteristics Land-based and Aquaculture Other subject
Female 71% 59%
Male 29% 41%
Other 0% 0%
Total 100% 100%
Age (as at 31 August)
20 and under 31% 33%
21 to 24 29% 30%
25 to 29 18% 14%
30 and over 22% 24%
Total 100% 100%
Ethnicity (UK domiciled only)
1) White 95% 87%
2) Black or black British (Caribbean, African), Other black background 0% 2%
3) Asian or Asian British (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) 1% 3%
4) Chinese 0% 1%
5) Other Asian background 0% 1%
6) Other (including mixed) 2% 3%
7) Not known/not recorded 1% 2%
Total 100% 100%
Disability recorded 19% 15%
No known disability 81% 85%
Total 100% 100%

Source: HESA Student data

Enrolments at Scottish HEIs by subject and key characteristics: 2020/21
Personal Characteristics Land-based and Aquaculture Other subject Total
Female 3555 163,500 167,060
Male 1425 113,410 114,835
Other 10 965 975
Total 4995 277,880 282,875
Age (as at 31 August)
20 and under 1570 92670 94240
21 to 24 1435 81990 83425
25 to 29 885 37580 38465
30 and over 1100 65640 66740
Total 4995 277,880 282,875
Ethnicity (UK domiciled only)
1) White 3530 184,445 187,975
2) Black or black British (Caribbean, African), Other black background 10 4530 4540
3) Asian or Asian British (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) 25 6930 6955
4) Chinese 10 1560 1570
5) Other Asian background 10 1760 1770
6) Other (including mixed) 80 7065 7140
7) Not known/not recorded 50 4690 4735
Total 3715 210,975 214,690
Disability recorded 955 41180 42135
No known disability 4040 236,700 240,740
Total 4995 277,880 g282,875

Source: HESA Student data, SG analysis (Based on CAH/HECOS codes: ‘05’ and ‘06’



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