
Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers

The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

Appendix 11: HEIenrolments by Local Authority & SRUC FE enrolments by campus

Enrolments on Land-based and Aquaculture courses at Scottish HEIs, by LA or prior to study: 2020/21
Abertay University Dundee Edinburgh Napier University University of Edinburgh University of Glasgow SRUC University of Highlands and Islands All
Aberdeen City 5 - 10 10 45 5 85
Aberdeenshire 5 5 15 15 120 15 185
Angus 15 5 5 5 30 5 65
Argyll and Bute - - 5 10 25 45 95
City of Edinburgh 10 20 45 30 100 10 235
Clackmannanshire 5 - - - 10 - 25
Dumfries and Galloway 5 5 5 25 125 20 180
Dundee City 35 - - 5 10 - 55
East Ayrshire - 5 5 15 40 - 65
East Dunbartonshire 5 - 5 20 25 5 60
East Lothian - 5 10 5 25 - 45
East Renfrewshire - - 5 15 15 - 35
Falkirk 5 5 5 5 35 - 60
Fife 30 20 15 15 105 5 200
Glasgow City 5 5 5 50 80 10 175
Highland 10 10 15 10 40 115 205
Inverclyde - - - 5 10 - 15
Midlothian - 5 15 - 35 - 55
Moray - 5 - 5 25 25 65
Na h-Eileanan Siar - - - - 5 10 15
North Ayrshire - - 5 10 40 5 55
North Lanarkshire - 10 5 15 40 - 90
Orkney Islands - - - - 5 20 30
Perth and Kinross 20 5 10 10 45 15 105
Renfrewshire 5 5 5 20 20 - 55
Scottish Borders 5 5 20 10 65 10 115
Shetland Islands - - - - 5 25 35
South Ayrshire - - 5 10 40 - 65
South Lanarkshire 5 5 15 30 70 5 135
Stirling 5 5 5 15 20 5 65
West Dunbartonshire - - - 10 5 - 15
West Lothian - 10 10 10 45 - 85
All 165 145 265 375 1295 355 2785

Source: HESA Student data, SG Analysis

Figures have been rounded to the nearest 5

Based on CAH/HECOS codes: ‘05’ and ‘06’

Based on FPE (full-person equivalent). Note: this proportions a student’s time when they are on a split course.

Note: Universities with less than 100 removed from table but included in total.

SRUC FE Enrolments by Campus - Enrolments to Land-based/Aquaculture courses at SRUC 2011/12 to 2020/21
11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21
Aberdeen 0 0 0 37 30 231 441 291 242 236
Ayr 0 0 0 382 445 265 369 449 184 15
Barony 2214 1857 1268 1623 1231 1348 1229 1497 836 698
Elmwood 954 755 760 814 731 723 849 755 656 361
Oatridge 2009 1774 2139 1668 1935 1791 2044 1804 1132 1143
SRUC unknown 0 0 0 71 47 30 52 0 0 0
Total 5177 4386 4167 4595 4419 4388 4984 4796 3050 2453

Source: HESA Student data

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data supplied we cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the original source



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