
Access to postgraduate study - representation and destinations: discussion paper

Independent paper from the Commissioner for Fair Access considering representation of students from the most deprived areas of Scotland in postgraduate study and their destinations.



2. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation is an official tool used to identify the relative deprivation levels of areas in Scotland. CoWA defined entrants from deprived backgrounds/the most deprived areas as entrants from the bottom 20% of areas according to this measure, i.e. 'SIMD20', 'SIMD quintile 1', 'SIMD Q1' or 'Q1' areas.

3. As reported in HESA Student Data

4. The DLHE was discontinued by HESA following the 2016/17 leaver cohort and has been replaced by the Graduate Outcomes survey. The Graduate Outcomes survey collects information on leavers around 15 months after they complete their studies.

5. The DLHE response rate among UK-domiciled undergraduate qualifiers was 79% in 2016/17.

6. As recorded here, to give a more appropriate proxy for postgraduate study. These figures may still include a small number of students studying qualifications outwith HEIs, and includes those undertaking postgraduate qualifications in HEIs outside of Scotland.

7. Note that the deprivation-related disparity in progression appears slightly larger than the representation gap (Figure 1; around 2.5x more full-time postgraduate entrants are from SIMD Q5 than SIMD Q1). See Annex B for details.

* 95% CI corresponds to a 95% confidence interval. See Annex A for more details.

8. Graduates from Veterinary Sciences have been excluded for this reason, since no graduates from this subject that responded to the DLHE during this time period continued to postgraduate study.

9. According to The Scottish Parliament Justice Committee report 'Training the next generation of lawyers: professional legal education in Scotland'

10. Ancient (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews); Old (Dundee, Heriot-Watt, Stirling, Strathclyde); Post-92 (Abertay, QMU, GCU, Edinburgh Napier, UWS, RGU, UHI); Specialised (SRUC, RCS, GSA); The Open University.

11. Including those coded as 1 (Managers, directors and senior officials), 2 (Professional occupations), and 3 (Associate professional and technical occupations)

12. Note that the current home postcode on the postgraduate DLHE record was used for the purposes of SIMD analysis.

13. First degree leavers include those on undergraduate teacher training, which in some cases will be covered by the Teacher Induction Scheme.

14. Comparisons between first degree and postgraduate leavers and the likelihood of obtaining a professional job should be made with care. First degree graduates that progress to postgraduate study typically have higher attainment and therefore the difference cannot be directly attributed solely to the obtainment of a postgraduate qualification.

15. Veterinary Sciences and Combined subject areas were excluded, due to the absence of postgraduate leavers from these subject areas recorded in the DLHE during the time period analysed.

16. The Open University is not included in this analysis due to the absence of full-time postgraduate leavers from this institution recorded in the DLHE during the time period analysed.



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