
Common Core of Skills, Knowledge & Understanding and Values for the "Children's Workforce" in Scotland

Identification of the skills, knowledge & understanding and values that every worker should demonstrate if they work with children, young people and families in Scotland


47. Implementing the Common Core can be done in a variety of ways by any individual and organisation. Implementation activity need not require additional resources. Existing products like standards, frameworks, training courses or guidance are regularly updated and organisations should assess whether there is sufficient coverage of the areas of the Common Core as these products come up for review.

48. Just being aware of the Common Core and having the chance to reflect on what that means in a work situation or to discuss it with colleagues will help workers be able to demonstrate the Common Core characteristics and values in their every day work.

Views from the Consultation

49. During the consultation process we sought views regarding implementation from respondents and received the following suggestions:

Individual actions

  • Reflect on the areas within the Common Core (using the self reflection / discussion questions) and gauge your own level of skills & knowledge in each of the areas
  • Discuss with your manager whether your level of skills & knowledge is appropriate to your role

Employer actions

  • Revision of recruitment literature or interview questions to ensure prospective workers are fully aware of the relevant skills, knowledge and values and can demonstrate adherence to them
  • Re-structure induction training or literature to highlight the importance of the Common Core
  • Discussions with workers, through individual appraisal & development, to identify areas of skills & knowledge in the Common Core that should be strengthened and/or reinforce the values
  • Discuss the Common Core in team meetings to ensure that, over time, the culture of organisations promotes the essential characteristics and values
  • Rationalise and prioritise local training and development programmes

National Actions

  • Analysis of competency frameworks and/or national occupational standards to ensure the basic skills and knowledge are reflected
  • Increase the focus on the elements of the Common Core within national qualifications, where appropriate
  • Provide online space for stakeholders to share their proposed local and national actions with each other to increase opportunities for different organisations to learn from each other and develop activities together.


Email: David Purdie

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