
Common frameworks: outline framework for Hazardous Substances Planning

This draft outline framework is an example of how common frameworks are being developed and provides a suggested outline for an initial UK-wide framework agreement in a particular policy area.

Common Frameworks: Outline Framework: Hazardous Substances Planning

This outline framework for Hazardous Substances Planning should be read as an example of how common frameworks are being developed. The outline framework template has been designed to allow for a variety of approaches to suit the needs of particular policy areas. This example is therefore without prejudice to how other frameworks may be developed in the future.


This document provides a suggested outline for an initial UK-wide, or GB, framework agreement in a particular policy area. It is intended to facilitate multilateral policy development and set out proposed high level commitments for the four UK Administrations; it should be viewed as a tool that helps policy development, rather than a rigid template to be followed. The document may be developed iteratively and amended and added to by policy teams as discussions progress. It should be read alongside the accompanying guidance (UK Government and Devolved Administrations Guidance Note for Phase 2 Engagement).

Population of the agreement skeleton should be based on the existing work undertaken and should remain consistent with the underlying Framework Principles agreed by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments. The content should inform the drafting of any legislative and non-legislative mechanisms required to implement UK-wide frameworks.

Until it is formally agreed this document should not be considered as Government policy for any of the participating administrations and should be treated as confidential. The process for developing and finalising this document will be mutually agreed by all administrations.

The document is made up of four sections:


1. Section 1: What We Are Talking About. This section will set out the area of European Union (EU) law under consideration, current arrangements, and any elements from the policy that will not be considered. It will also include any relevant legal or technical definitions.

2. Section 2: Proposed Breakdown of Policy Area and Framework. This section will break the policy area down into its component parts, explaining where common rules will and will not be required and the rationale for this approach. It will also set out any areas of disagreement.

Operational Detail

3. Section 3: Proposed Operational Elements of Framework. This section will explain how the framework will operate in practice by setting out: how decisions will be made; the planned roles and responsibilities for each administration, or a third party; how implementation of the framework will be monitored and, if appropriate enforced; arrangements for reviewing and amending the framework; and proposed arrangements for resolution of a dispute.

4. Section 4: Practical Next Steps and Related Issues. This section will set out the next steps that would be required to implement the framework (subject to Ministerial agreement) and key timings.



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