
Common Housing Quality Standard: topic papers

Scottish Government topic papers on proposals for a cross-tenure Common Housing Quality Standard.

The attached papers are as follows:

  1. Essential fabric elements of a common standard
  2. Safety elements of a common standard
  3. Scope of a common standard
  4. Amenity elements of a common standard
  5. Prioritising work in a common standard
  6. Common parts and interest in a common standard
  7. Enforcement funding and timescales for a common standard
  8. Supplement to topic papers
  9. Report on the Common Housing Quality Standard Forum
Topic paper 2 – Safety elements of a Common Standard.pdf
Topic paper 4 - Amenity elements of a Common Standard.docx
Topic paper 5 - Prioritising work in a Common Standard.docx
Topic paper - supplement to topic papers.docx
Report on Common Housing Quality Standard Forum.pdf
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