
A Common Understanding 2012 - Working Together For Patients

Guidance on Joint-Working between NHSScotland and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Executive Summary

This document seeks to support NHS staff in taking forward ideas for joint-working projects, from assessing the idea, through delivering the programme of work,
to measuring its benefits, to evaluating it and bringing the programme of work to a close.

Joint-working is different from sponsorship; it involves the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry each contributing their share of knowledge, skills and resources to support a programme of activity which will deliver measurable benefit to patients.

Each joint-working project will involve careful preparatory work in order to create a robust joint-working agreement. That agreement, and the delivery of the programme that it governs, will be expected to be fully compliant with the Standards and Codes of both NHSScotland and the ABPI.

Nothing in this document removes the requirement for staff to meet the Standards and Codes of NHSScotland and the industry.


“The SMC/ABPI partnership is an excellent example of a true partnership that has had immense benefits for patients in Scotland as a result of early access to clinically effective and cost-effective new medicines.”
Professor Angela Timoney, Chair, Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC)

Case Study 2: SCOTTISH NEURO ENDOCRINE TUMOUR GROUP GUIDELINES – Scottish Neuro Endocrine Tumour Group and Novartis Pharmaceuticals

“This project has demonstrated a good working relationship between the clinicians and industry which has helped to develop effective clinical guidelines.”

Dr Nicholas Reed, Consultant Oncologist, Beatson Oncology Centre, Glasgow

Case Study 3: SIGN RESPIRATORY GUIDELINES – Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; Scottish Respiratory Industry Group; National Advisory Group for Respiratory Managed Clinical Networks; Asthma UK

“Collaborative work, such as the regional workshops, brings a unique opportunity to link evidence, priorities and direct benefits for patients. The workshops allow all stakeholders to influence asthma priorities in different regions across Scotland.”


Email: Martin Moffat

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