
A Common Understanding 2012 - Working Together For Patients

Guidance on Joint-Working between NHSScotland and the Pharmaceutical Industry


Three crucial public service values must underpin the work of the health service as set out in Standards of Conduct, Accountability and Openness.

Conduct: An absolute standard of honesty and integrity should be the hallmark of all personal conduct of staff/independent contractors and suppliers in decisions affecting patients, including the use of information acquired in the course of NHSScotland duties and in dealing with the assets of NHSScotland.

Accountability: All actions of those who work in NHSScotland must be able to stand the test of parliamentary and public scrutiny, including issues of propriety and professional codes of conduct.

Openness: Openness and transparency are key values of NHSScotland. The ABPI Code also requires openness, transparency and the declaration of relevant financial transactions.

Case Study 5: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS STOP SMOKING CAMPAIGN – NHS Fife, Fife Rheumatic Diseases Unit; Pfizer Limited; NRAS (National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society)

“Many individuals with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) are not aware of the impact smoking may have on their disease or the services that are available to help them stop. We hope this campaign will educate people on the additional risks of smoking and empower them to make positive steps towards giving up.”

Dr Helen Harris, Consultant Rheumatologist, Fife Rheumatic Diseases Unit,

Whytemans Brae Hospital

Case Study 6: GRAMPIAN RISK ASSESSMENT & INTERVENTION (GRANITE) – NHS Grampian: Grampian Cardiovascular MCN and Peterhead Health Centre; AstraZeneca UK Limited.

“The GRANITE screening software effectively identified a patient population within the Peterhead practice who had a probable high 10-year CVD risk requiring intervention.”

John C Stout, GP lead, Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Cardiology, Grampian


Email: Martin Moffat

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