Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults Year 3 – Monitoring and Reporting Summary

Monitoring and reporting results for year three of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for adults.

Section B: Process Approach To Delivery

Local Summary Plans – October 2023

Plans: TSIs were asked to coordinate the production of a Fund Local Partnership Plan with local partners to set out local priorities for spend within the parameters of the national Fund criteria. The plans were intended to:

  • Agree a set of outcomes for community mental health and wellbeing support locally and identify the contribution the Fund will make to these;
  • Ensure coherence of approach locally;
  • Tie into existing planning for mental health and community wellbeing;
  • Provide a strategic approach to addressing identified priorities locally in line with Fund criteria;
  • Take account of current provision and address evidence on gaps in support.

TSIs were asked to work with their Local Partnership Group to develop the plan, specifically working with Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Chief Officers or representatives to ensure fit with the strategic plans of Integration Joint Boards (IJBs).

The table below details the composition of Local Partnership Groups.

Partnership Group Members:

Local Partnership Group members % across all Local Partnership Groups
Health and Social Care Partnership 93% (-7%)
Local authority mental health leads 56% (+2%)
Local authority (other) 84% (-6%)
People with lived experience 81% (nil)
Community Planning Partnership 68% ( -6%)
Third sector organisations (not mental health) 65% (-3%)
Community anchor organisation 50% (-5%)
Umbrella groups and representative organisations 40% (-5%)
Community link workers 34% (+2%)
Suicide prevention leads 43% (+11%)
Police Scotland 15% (-4%)
Mental Health third sector organisations 50% (+5%)
Other * 34% (+2%)

* This includes:

Public Health Improvements and Public Protection; Scottish Fire and Rescue; Highlands & Islands Enterprise; HTSI Refugee Officer; Adult Learning Disabilities Development Managers; Local Employability Partnerships; COSLA; and Local Higher Education Providers.

As detailed within the table above, there has been a slight increase in some members and a slight decrease in others compared to Year 2.



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