
Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund - year 1: projects awarded 2021 to 2022

List of projects awarded in 2021 to 2022, for the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund.

East Renfrewshire

Local Authority Area Name of Organisation Name of Project being funded * Amount of funding awarded
East Renfrewshire Alzheimer Scotland Community Activity Organiser £42,882.00
East Renfrewshire Articuluate Cultural Trust Creative and meaningful youth participation £2,223.00
East Renfrewshire Barrhead Housing Association Local health improvement and behaviour change through exercise and diet £14,988.20
East Renfrewshire Barrhead Men's Shed Better air quality for users £4,000.00
East Renfrewshire Cosgrove Care Weekly Wellbeing Sessions for Older people £10,000.00
East Renfrewshire Cultivating Mindfulness Accessible mindfulness for adult carers £9,765.00
East Renfrewshire Cultivating Mindfulness Weekly senior citizens club £7,776.00
East Renfrewshire Dunterlie Arts & Crafts Local Arts and Crafts group £1,566.80
East Renfrewshire Dunterlie Foodshare Access to free food packages £5,612.00
East Renfrewshire East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau Staff post to lead on a mental health related project £31,040.00
East Renfrewshire East Renfrewshire Cricket Club Cricket 4 All £9,951.45
East Renfrewshire Include Me 2 Connect Club £10,000.00
East Renfrewshire Mearns Kirk Helping Hands Project manager post focussing on increasing the number of isolated older people who can access their support. £16,110.00
East Renfrewshire Neilston/Uplawmoor Litter Pickers Accessible litter picking equipment £1,580.66
East Renfrewshire Off Grid Community Good in the Wood £7,040.00
East Renfrewshire RAMH Recovery College £34,162.90
East Renfrewshire The Autistic Collective peer support Carers Sessions £2,000.00
East Renfrewshire Women's Aid South Lanarkshire & East Renfrewshire Increased support hours for combating women experiencing domestic abuse and poor mental health £29,800.00
East Renfrewshire Young Enterprise Scotland Glen Growers £8,205.66



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