
Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund - year 1: projects awarded 2021 to 2022

List of projects awarded in 2021 to 2022, for the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund.


Local Authority Area Name of Organisation Name of Project being funded * Amount of funding awarded
Midlothian Access to Industry Access to Industry Recovery Project £23,397.91
Midlothian Anam Cara Anam Cara Befrienders £8,456.00
Midlothian Artlink Artlink £9,980.00
Midlothian Bonnyrigg Rose FC Bonnyrigg Rose FC Mental Wellbeing in the Community £36,884.00
Midlothian CAB Dalkeith CAB Dalkeith Men's Group £8,422.00
Midlothian CAPS Independent Advocacy CAPS Independent Advocacy - 16-18 Advocacy Project £10,000.00
Midlothian Cousland Village Hall Cousland Village Hall Association £6,780.00
Midlothian Equal Futures Equal Futures £9,500.00
Midlothian Glencorse Centre Glencorse Association Garden Project £19,241.47
Midlothian Gorebridge Cares Gorebridge Cares Hub - The Hive £24,218.08
Midlothian Gorebridge Parish Church Gorebridge Parish Church Recovery Project £2,000.00
Midlothian Horizons Recovery Café Horizons Recovery Café £19,000.00
Midlothian IMPACT (Midlothian Sure Start) IMPACT (c/o Midlothian Sure Start) £2,000.00
Midlothian Kinship Carers Kinship Carers + Grandparents Parenting Again £6,315.00
Midlothian LCIL Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living £8,987.00
Midlothian Lothians Veterans Centre Lothians Veterans Centre Coffee and Bacon Rolls Drop-In £8,785.00
Midlothian MAEDT Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust Garden and Pantry £39,324.00
Midlothian Newbattle PC Men's Group Newbattle Parish Church Men's Group £2,000.00
Midlothian Newton Parish Men's Group Newtongrange Development Trust Remake, Reuse and Recycle Project £2,000.00
Midlothian Newtongrange Dev Trust Newton Parish Men's Shed (c/o Newton Parish Church) £12,529.00
Midlothian Pathhead Men's Shed Pathhead Men's Group (c/o Pathhead and District Community Association) £350.00
Midlothian Penicuik Storehouse Penicuik Storehouse Volunteering Support Project £9,599.00
Midlothian Play Therapy Base Play Therapy Base - Parent Support Initiative £3,415.00
Midlothian Riding for the Disabled (Midlothian) Equine Assisted Learning Project £3,400.00
Midlothian Rosewell Development Trust Rosewell Development Trust Supported Volunteering £8,245.00
Midlothian Sporting Memories Foundation Sporting Memories in Midlothian £9,716.00
Midlothian Woodland Wanderers Woodland Wanderers £2,000.00



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