Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund: year 1 - monitoring and reporting summary
Monitoring and reporting results for year 1 of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (the Fund).
Annex D Reporting templates
This section outlines the three sets of reporting templates provided to TSIs to gather information on the delivery of the Fund.
a) Local Plan template (completed by email)
Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
Local Partnership Plan - Summary Reporting Form
Partnership information
Lead funding partner organisation
Lead contact person and contact details
Key fund application details (web link, start and closing dates, where applicable, expected dates for paying grants)
Copy of Local Partnership Plan (i.e. PDF, Word or web link) Note – The approach taken to local partnership planning is up to local areas so we do not expect uniformity in format or length across these
Grant amount awarded 2021 – 2022
List of all Local Partnership Group partners
Local Partnership Group working
Please explain your approach to collaboration on the delivery of the Fund through your local partnership group i.e. partners involved and in what stages of the process (i.e. assessment of bids, etc.). Please outline governance arrangements in place.
Administration / Resources
How will you manage and administer the fund locally (i.e. through a dedicated post)
Local partnership plan summary
Please provide a brief summary of the approach you will be taking locally i.e. want you would want to achieve, who you will be working with and what difference this will make
Key priorities
The fund guidance outlined the Fund’s focus as being:
1. Tackling priority issues within the Transition and Recovery Plan such as suicide prevention, social isolation and loneliness, prevention and early intervention
2. Addressing the mental health inequalitiesexacerbated by the pandemic and the needs of a range of ‘at risk’ groups locally:
- Women (particularly young women, and women and young women who have experienced gender based violence)
- People with a long term health condition or disability
- People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list
- People from a Minority Ethnic background
- Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds
- People facing socio-economic disadvantage
- People experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
- People with diagnosed mental illness
- People affected by psychological trauma (including adverse childhood experiences)
- People who have experienced bereavement or loss
- People disadvantaged by geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas)
- Older people
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities
- Other
a) Which of the priorities listed above have been identified in your local partnership plan as key priorities for the Fund locally?
b) Have any other themes or groups been identified through the local partnership plan which are not listed in the guidance priorities?
c) With regards to the process for agreeing key priorities locally, can you provide information on the rationale/evidence base/process for prioritisation?
Target groups
How will you know you are reaching your target groups? What actions are being taken?
How will you ensure equalities considerations are taken into account, in terms of fund allocation and in the actions of funded organisations?
Strategic alignment
Explain how your local plan will contribute to fulfilling the following outcomes and priorities:
a) The intended outcome of the Fund is to develop a culture of mental wellbeing and prevention within local communities and across Scotland with improved awareness of how we can all stay well and help ourselves and others.
b) The Fund seeks to contribute to the four key areas of focus from the Mental Health Transition and Recovery Plan:
- Promoting and supporting the conditions for good mental health and wellbeing at population level
- Providing accessible signposting to help, advice and support
- Providing a rapid and easily accessible response to those in distress
- Ensuring safe, effective treatment and care of people living with mental illness
c) Local mental health and wellbeing priorities i.e. as set by your Health and Social Care Partnership and your local partnership group
Planned approach to fund delivery
How have you structured your fund locally i.e. tiers of funding for small and medium projects, etc?
Action to ensure engagement with those with lived experience?
Fund promotion and support, please summarise capacity building activities i.e. how will you support less experienced fund applicants, encourage collaboration etc?
Impact and evaluation
Further guidance and learning opportunities can be provided on this matter though we are interested in any existing plans.
Please indicate whether you have set in place a mechanism through which to:
a) Evaluate overall progress against your local plan
b) Evaluate and measure the impact of individual funded projects
c) Measure impact on priority groups
d) Ensure the work in your local plan continue once the funding ends
Please indicate any advice or support that can be provided centrally to enable this:
Can you outline any risks that you have identified in terms of your delivery of the Fund in line with fund guidance, and detail any mitigating actions set in place.
Please indicate any advice or support that can be provided centrally:
Please share any issues, learning or suggestions you might have (including ideas, topics for the National Fund Network, as well as any expertise/experience you can offer to others)
How to submit your Local Partnership Plan Form
Please either attach your local partnership group plan to your email to us, or embed it as an attachment in this form (e.g. web link, PDF or Word document). This form must be physically signed off by the lead funding partner for the local partnership plan as being a true and accurate representation of your proposed activity. A scanned or electronic version of this signature is acceptable.
When we receive your report, we will log it and review it with support from the National Oversight group and provide any feedback should this be required.
b) Interim reporting template (by online survey)
Interim Progress Report
Partnership information
Lead funding partner organisation
Form completed by
Position in organisation
Local Partnership Group working
In your local partnership plan and summary template (submitted in December 2021) you outlined the collaborative/partnership approach you are taking to deliver the fund locally and governance arrangements to support this.
As much as is possible at this stage, please (briefly) let us know:
a) How well you think your partnership approach has been working so far? Very Good/ Good/ Moderate/ Poor/ Very Poor
If possible, please explain your response (text box)
b) Have you experienced any challenges in relation to the partnership approach you have taken? Yes/No. If yes – please explain (text box)
c) Please say what you could do to improve your partnership approach going forward? (text box)
Administration / Resources
In your local partnership plan and summary template you also explained how you would manage/administer the fund locally.
As far as you are able to at this stage, please say:
a) Please explain how you have utilised the additional capacity building grant you received to manage/administer the fund and say what, if any, additional value this has provided in successfully implementing the fund locally.
b) How effective you think your fund management arrangements have been? Very Good/ Good/ Moderate/ Poor/ Very Poor
If possible, please explain your response (text box)
c) Have you experienced any difficulties in administering the fund? Yes/No
If Yes, please explain the difficulties and outline any actions you have taken to improve your approach (text box)
d) Do you have ideas for how you could further improve your approach to managing/administering the fund going forward? Yes/No
If Yes, please explain (text box)
Types of projects being funded
We are interested to know more about the kind of projects you are funding to give us a sense of the range of work being supported. For example, a community arts based project run by local volunteers, or a local befriending scheme in collaboration with a region-wide organisation.
Please provide three illustrative examples of projects you are funding – a few lines for each example is fine i.e. project title, aims, approach, why it is of particular interest and who working with.
Target groups and key priorities
The fund guidance outlined the fund’s focus as being:
3. Tackling priority issues within the Transition and Recovery Plan such as suicide prevention, social isolation and loneliness, prevention and early intervention
4. Addressing the mental health inequalitiesexacerbated by the pandemic and the needs of a range of ‘at risk’ groups locally
Whilst we recognise that many projects will progress a range of key priorities and be of benefit to a number of different groups, we would like to get a sense of the balance of awards being allocated to benefit different priorities and target groups. Please indicate the frequency of awards being allocated to benefit the following target groups and key priorities.
Target group
Women (particularly young women, and women and young women who have experienced gender based violence)
People with a long term health condition or disability
People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list
People from a Minority Ethnic background
Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds
People facing socio-economic disadvantage
People experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
People with diagnosed mental illness
People affected by psychological trauma (including adverse childhood experiences)
People who have experienced bereavement or loss
People disadvantaged by geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas)
Older people
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities
Other groups (please explain)
Key priorities
Suicide prevention
Social isolation and loneliness
Early intervention
Other local priorities (please explain)
Number of applications received
Number of awards allocated
Number of applications received
Number of awards allocated
Target groups
In your local partnership plan and summary template you outlined what actions you intend to take to reach your target groups. Please say what, if any, actions you have taken so far to reach the groups you have listed above.
What, if any, actions have you taken so far to ensure equalities considerations are being taken into account – you can explain this in terms of your allocation of the funding and in terms of the actions funded organisations say they are taking?
Engaging with lived experience
In your local partnership plan and summary template you also explained how you would include those with lived experience of mental health difficulties in your implementation of the fund. Please say whether you, as a local partnership group, have involved those with lived experience.
If yes, please briefly tell us how you have engaged those with lived experience in this work.
If possible, please give a few examples of the ways in which the projects you are funding intend to engage those with lived experience in their work.
Capacity building
Have you provided any support to fund applicants, particularly those with less experience, to ensure they can apply for funding?
Yes/No/We plan to do so
If no, why have you not done so?
If yes, what kind of support have you given them?
If you plan to do so, what kind of support do you plan to offer to fund applicants?
While we are aware most funding will not have been allocated to community organisations yet, we are interested in any progress on spend at this stage. Please leave any sections below blank if you are not able to provide the information at this point in time.
Number of applications received
Number of applications awarded
Total amount of the fund allocated so far
Amount remaining to be issued
Total amount allocated to capital spend
Note - include the amounts allocated to dedicated capital projects as well as the capital elements of hybrid capital/revenue projects
Fund application deadline
Please let us know if you anticipate any difficulties with dispersing your full grant by the end of March 2022 – and if so, whether you would like any assistance from us on this.
Project size
We are interested in how many awards you have allocated so far to small, medium and larger projects. Please indicate below (approximately) how many projects you have approved for the amounts shown below.
Amount Number of applications received Number of awards allocated
Up to £2,000
Between £2,000 and £10,000
Between £10,000 and £20,000
Between £20,000 and £50,000
Over £50,000
Types of organisations being funded
We are interested to know more about the types of organisations you are funding and the geographical area they operate within. Please say approximately what proportion of funding you have allocated to the following types of organisations.
Size of organisations
Small organisations (with incomes of up to £25,000 per annum)
Medium sized organisations (with incomes between £25,000 and up to £1 million per annum)
Large organisations (with incomes over £1 million per annum)
Organisations operating within a small locality
Organisations operating across a few localities
Organisations operating across your whole TSI area
Organisations operating across more than one TSI area
Organisations operating across Scotland
Frequency of awards allocated
Rare amount
An occasional amount
A moderate amount
A great deal
Rare amount
An occasional amount
A moderate amount
A great deal
We are keen to improve our approach to implementing the fund as we go along. Please share any early learning points/suggestions you might have on how we could improve implementation of the fund i.e. in relation to how it is managed, promoted, implemented and evaluated at both a national and local level. (text box)
If you are able to at this stage, please also share any observations or learning you might have on the emerging impact the projects you have funded are having on mental health and wellbeing in your area. (text box)
I can confirm that the information provided above is a true reflection of our actions and expenditure for the current period (October 2021 – January 2022):
How to submit your Interim Progress Report
This form must be signed off by the lead funding partner for the local partnership plan as being a true and accurate representation of activities to date. A scanned or electronic version of this signature is acceptable.
c) End of Year template (by online survey)
End Year Reporting
Partnership information
Lead funding partner organisation
Form completed by
Position in organisation
Local Partnership Group working
In your local partnership plan and interim report, you outlined the collaborative/partnership approach being taken to deliver the fund locally and governance arrangements to support this.
d) How well you think your partnership approach has operated across the duration of Year 1 of the Fund?
Very well/well/ moderately well/ poor/ very Poor
Please explain your response (text box)
e) Have there been any benefits of adopting a partnership approach? Yes/No
If Yes, please explain (text box)
If No – please explain (text box)
f) Have you experienced any challenges in relation to the partnership approach you have taken? Yes/No.
If yes – please explain (text box)
g) Please say how your partnership approach could be improved for Year 2 of the Fund? (text box)
Local Fund Administration
In your local partnership plan and interim survey, you explained how you would manage/administer the fund locally.
e) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response
Please explain how you have utilised the additional administration grant you received to manage the fund.
What difference if any has the administration grant made to your ability to manage the Fund?
Please explain (text box)
f) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response
Please explain what capacity building support you have provided to fund applicants (particularly those with less experience) to ensure they can apply for funding. (text box)
What difference if any has your capacity building support made to organisations applying to the Fund
Please explain (text box)
c) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response
Please note any additional value that the grant and any capacity building support you gave has provided in successfully implementing the fund locally.
(text box)
g) Overall, how effective do you think your fund management arrangements have been? Very Good/ Good/ Moderate/ Poor/ Very Poor
If possible, please explain your response (text box)
h) What have been the successes of the fund management arrangements?
(text box)
i) Have you experienced any difficulties in administering the fund? Yes/No
If Yes, please explain the difficulties and outline any actions you have taken to improve your approach (text box)
j) Do you have ideas for how you could further improve your approach to managing/administering the fund in Year 2?
If Yes, please explain (text box)
f) Please explain if any of the risks you identified in your local partnership group plan and summary template arose in practice and if so how these were dealt with?
(text box)
Target groups and key priorities
The fund guidance outlined the fund’s focus as being:
5. Tackling priority issues within the Transition and Recovery Plan such as suicide prevention, social isolation and loneliness, prevention and early intervention
6. Addressing the mental health inequalitiesexacerbated by the pandemic and the needs of a range of ‘at risk’ groups locally
Whilst we recognise that many projects will progress a range of key priorities and be of benefit to a number of different groups, we would like to get a sense of the balance of awards allocated to benefit different priorities and target groups.
Please indicate the frequency of awards being allocated to benefit the following target groups and key priorities.
Target group
Women (particularly young women, and women and young women who have experienced gender based violence)
People with a long term health condition or disability
People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list
People from a Minority Ethnic background
Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds
People facing socio-economic disadvantage
People experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
People with diagnosed mental illness
People affected by psychological trauma (including adverse childhood experiences)
People who have experienced bereavement or loss
People disadvantaged by geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas)
Older people
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities
Other groups (please explain)
Key priorities
Suicide prevention
Social isolation and loneliness
Early intervention
Other local priorities (please explain)
Number of applications received
Number of awards allocated
Reaching target groups
a) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response In your interim survey response, you outlined your intentions and progress in reaching your target groups. Please outline the actions you have taken to reach the target groups
b) Which target groups have your actions focused on: (tick all that apply):
Whole population
Women (particularly young women, and women and young women who have experienced gender based violence)
People with a long term health condition or disability
People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list
People from a Minority Ethnic background
Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds
People facing socio-economic disadvantage
People experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage
People with diagnosed mental illness
People affected by psychological trauma (including adverse childhood experiences)
People who have experienced bereavement or loss
People disadvantaged by geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas)
Older people
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities
Other groups (please explain)
B) How successful have your actions been in reaching target groups?
Very/Quite/moderately/somewhat/not at all
Please explain, including any challenges in reaching specific target groups (text box)
Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response.
What actions have you taken to ensure equalities considerations are being taken into account – you can explain this in terms of your allocation of the funding and in terms of the actions funded organisations say they are taking?
Engaging with lived experience
a) In your local partnership plan and interim reporting you explained your intentions and progress in including lived experience of mental health difficulties in your implementation of the fund.
Now that Year 1 funding has been distributed to organisations, please say whether you, as a local partnership group, have involved those with lived experience.
If Yes
b) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response
Please briefly tell us how you have engaged those with lived experience in this work.
c) Please only complete this question if you have new information further to what you included in your interim survey response
Please give a few examples of the ways in which the projects you are funding intend to engage those with lived experience in their work.
Total grant allocation (provided in October 2021 and if applicable, February 2022)
(numerical box)
Do you have any funds not allocated?
This relates to both original October 2021 grant and additional February 2022 grant if applicable).
Response options
If Yes
How much?
Note reasons?
(numerical box)
(text box)
Total number of applications received
(numerical box)
Total number of awards made using the original grant provided in October 2021
(numerical box)
Total number of awards made using the additional grant provided in February 2022 (blank if not applicable)
(numerical box)
- Total amount allocated to capital spend
Note - include the amounts allocated to dedicated capital projects as well as the capital elements of hybrid capital/revenue projects
- Note a definition of capital spend is outlined in the national guidance
(numerical box)
Can you confirm that you have undertook due diligence on the funded organisations yes/no
Note – the specific actions on due diligence have not been outlined in the national guidance, rather the expectation is that existing processes followed by your organisation, or as agreed by your local partnership arrangements have taken place.
Grant size
We are interested in how many awards you have allocated to small, medium and larger projects. Please indicate below (approximately) how many projects you have approved for the amounts shown below.
Number of applications received
Number of awards allocated
Up to £2,000
Between £2,001 and £10,000
Between £10,001 and £20,000
Between £20,001 and £50,000
Over £50,000
Types of organisations being funded
We are interested to know more about the types of organisations you are funding and the geographical area they operate within. Please note the number of applications received and number of awards allocated
Size of organisations
Small organisations (with incomes of up to £25,000 per annum)
Number of applications received
Medium sized organisations (with incomes between £25,001 and up to £1 million per annum)
Large organisations (with incomes over £1 million per annum)
Number of awards allocated
Organisations operating within a small locality
Organisations operating across a few localities
Organisations operating across your whole TSI area
Organisations operating across more than one TSI area
Organisations operating across Scotland
Organisations operating across UK
Organisations operating internationally
Number of applications received
Number of awards allocated
Please share your reflections on:
a) How your local allocation of the Fund meets the priorities set out in your local plan?
(text box)
b) How have you supported individual funded projects to measure impact of their work? (Text box)
c) Going forward, what further support could be provided to TSIs or projects on measuring impact? (Text box)
d) Do you have any reflections on how projects being funded through the Fund can be supported to be more sustainable? Please note any work that has taken place to support this. (Text box)
e) Example projects
While it is too early to collate information to assess the impact of projects on fund aims, we are interested in gathering a range of examples of projects whose work got off ground at an earlier stage and who have been able to share some of the early impacts.
Where possible, please provide three illustrative examples of projects you are funding – a few lines for each example is fine i.e. project title, aims, approach, why it is of particular interest, who working with and information provided on short term outcomes of the Fund so far.
Please share any learning points/suggestions on how the Fund could be improved going forward. This could be how it is managed, promoted, implemented and evaluated at both local and national level, including delivery approach (including partnership arrangements), design of the Fund in terms national guidance, any ideas around support that could be provided to local partnerships or projects, including the Network.
Views of TSI (text box)
If you have gathered views of organisations applying to the Fund, please provide a summary of the feedback you have received from them (in their experiences in applying and being supported through the funding process ie clarity of application process, how helpful the information and guidance was etc, what could be improved for the future) (text box).
Views of projects (text box)
Annex E Number of applications received and awards allocated to target groups and priority themes
TSIs were asked to note how many projects included a focus on each of the Fund’s target groups or priority themes.
Table A below outlines the focus of applications and awards in terms of the Fund’s target ‘at risk’ groups:
Note: Please apply caution in comparing number of applications received with number of awards made. Please note that the applications received figures do not include one large TSI’s figures as they were not collected in this way from the outset.
Target ‘at risk’ group | Total Number |
Women (including young women, and women and young women affected by gender based sexual violence) - applications received | 374 |
Women (including young women, and women and young women affected by gender based sexual violence) - awards allocated | 266 |
People with long term health condition or disability - applications received | 803 |
People with long term health condition or disability - awards allocated | 618 |
People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list - applications received | 435 |
People who are or have been on the highest risk (previously shielding) list Shielding - awards allocated | 255 |
People from a Minority ethnic background - applications received | 257 |
People from a Minority ethnic background - awards allocated | 202 |
Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds - applications received | 117 |
Refugees and those with no recourse to public funds - awards allocated | 112 |
People facing socio-economic disadvantage - applications received | 890 |
People facing socio-economic disadvantage- awards allocated | 819 |
Older people - applications received | 677 |
Older people- awards allocated | 482 |
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities - applications received | 235 |
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities - awards allocated | 161 |
People facing Severe and multiple disadvantage - applications received | 650 |
People facing Severe and multiple disadvantage - awards allocated | 535 |
People with diagnosed mental illness - applications received | 639 |
People with diagnosed mental illness - awards allocated | 470 |
Psychological trauma including adverse childhood experiences - applications received | 403 |
Psychological trauma including adverse childhood experiences- awards received | 244 |
People who have experienced bereavement or loss - applications received | 468 |
People who have experienced bereavement or loss- awards received | 309 |
Geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas) - applications received | 654 |
Geographical location (particularly remote and rural areas) - awards received | 468 |
Priority theme | Total number |
Suicide prevention - applications received | 462 |
Suicide prevention - awards allocated | 279 |
Social isolation and loneliness - applications received | 1534 |
Social isolation and loneliness - awards allocated | 1026 |
Prevention - applications received | 1009 |
Prevention - awards allocated | 589 |
Early intervention - applications received | 737 |
Early intervention - awards allocated | 514 |
Other local priorities - applications received | 619 |
Other local priorities - awards allocated | 488 |
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback