
Community Choices Fund: recipients 2018-2019

A full list of the organisations and projects to have received funding from the Community Choices Fund in 2018-2019.

Lead organisation

Project Title



Barrhead Housing Association

The Barrhead Housing Association Community Fund


Building on their 2017-2018 Participatory Budgeting (PB) initiative, inviting project ideas from young people to support the six themes of activity: Culture, Education, Enterprise and Regeneration, Equality and Discrimination, Health and Wellbeing and Participation.

CLEAR (Community-Led Environmental Action for Regeneration) Buckhaven

CLIMB (community led improvements for Methill & Buckhaven)


Following a participatory community planning and charrette process conducted for Methil in 2016, and Buckhaven in 2017 will seek to promote local initiative, to propose and carry out improvements in line with the recommendations contained in the Community Action Plans.

Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council

Coupar Angus Decides



The PB initiative will have three themes: Reduce isolation by finding ways to include new people in the community; Health Benefits by projects demonstrating what benefits their activities will bring; and more grass roots start-ups for more fledgling start up voluntary groups in the town.

Crieff Communtiy Trust

CRIEFF CHOICES PB  - (Connect, Respect, Include, Energise, Fund, Fix)


PB activity will focus on 3 priority areas: Young People in the Community, Sports & Outdoor Recreation  and Innovation & Enterprise.

Dalmellington Community Action Group


Dalmellington Parish Community Development Fund



Will lead a PB process which will build on their involvement in previous PB initiatives led by East Ayrshire Council. The projects will be based on themes from the community action plan.

Girvan Youth Trust

Going Forward South Carrick


Building on their PB initiative in the previous two years, young people will run a PB scheme for projects in support of intergenerational work and improving opportunities and facilities for those with a disability. 

Healthy n' Happy Community Development Trust

Creating New Futures: The Caledonian Circuit and Overton, Halfway



Will use a PB approach to allocate resources to the local residents of Overton, Halfway and The Caledonian Circuit in order to support and achieve identified local priorities in each of their newly developed community plans. 

Letham4All, SCIO

Our Place, Our Future, Your Choice


Will run a PB programme for ideas that can respond to local priorities such as social isolation, deprivation, young people, transport or environmental issues or it could be linked to health and social care needs in the Letham, Tulloch and Double Dykes areas.

Maryhill Housing

Wee PB and Big PB


Building on their 2016-2017 PB initiative will deliver 4 to 6 Wee PB events with local schools and 1 Big PB event for the wider community of Maryhill and Ruchill.  To be led by young people, and workshops will be run in schools.

Moray School Bank

Moray YP Decide



Will create PB opportunities for young people in Moray across 8 localities.  Funding  will be available for young people aged 5-25 and must be for the benefit of the community in the locality area.

Mussleburgh Area Partnership


Your Voice Your Choice 2

Poverty & Inequalities



A continuation of Your Voice Your Choice PB Programme with a direct focus on reducing inequalities and the direct impacts on poverty, both social and financial.

Oak Tree Housing Association

Our Community, Our Future


Will focus on community-led health and wellbeing projects in response local people in Branchton, Bow Farm, Pennyfern, Fancy Farm and Grieve Road can decide for themselves via PB where funding should more effectively be allocated to meet local need.

Patrick Housing Association

Partick & Thornwood Decide



Patrick & Thornwood Decide will work with local people to put forward ideas and apply for small grants for community-led projects under the broad themes of elderly, young people and the environment.

Shetland South Mainland Community Council

South Mainland Decides


A PB initiative to work with local communities to identify projects aimed at the ‘hidden poor’ to help reduce inequality of outcome.

The New Tannahill Centre Ltd

Year of Young People Takeover


Will work to support young people in Ferguslie Park to engage, develop and engage with PB.  Around 150 young people will be involved with training provided to make PB sustainable for future generations.

Voluntary Action Orkney

Your Island Your Choice 2



Building on their 2016/17 PB initiative will work with 12 communities to promote, design and deliver a second PB programme to the geographically dispersed non linked islands. 

 Total funding amount:   £754,039  


Community Choices Fund recipients 2018-2019
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