Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, Part 2 Community Planning, Consultation on draft guidance and regulation, Analysis of responses

An analysis of the responses received to our consultation on draft guidance and regulation.

Annex 1: The Consultation questions

Community Planning under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015: Consultation on Draft Guidance


Q1: The guidance identifies a series of principles for effective community planning. Do you agree with them? Should there be any others?

Please explain why.

Q2: The draft guidance sets out common long-term performance expectations for all CPPs and community planning partners. Each CPP will adopt its own approach towards meeting these expectations, reflecting local conditions and priorities. Even so, do you think there are common short- or medium-term performance expectations which every CPP and partner should be expected to meet? If so, what are they?

Q3: The 2015 Act requires CPPs to keep under review the question of whether it is making progress in the achievement of each local outcome in their LOIP and locality plan(s). CPPs must from time to time review their LOIP and locality plan(s) under review, and to revise them where appropriate. Even with this, do you think the statutory guidance should require CPPs to review and if necessary revise their plans after a specific period of time in every case? If so, what should that specific period be?

Yes ◘ No ◘

Please explain why.

Q4: What should the statutory guidance state as the latest date by which CPPs must publish progress reports on their local outcomes improvement plans and locality plans?

4 months ◘ 6 months ◘ Other ◘

If other please provide timescale. Please explain why.

Q5. Do you have any other comments about the draft Guidance?

Q6. We propose that the draft regulation for locality planning should set one criterion only, which is a maximum population permissible for a locality. Do you agree? What are your reasons?

Q7: The draft regulation sets a maximum population size for localities subject to locality planning of 30,000 residents. It also proposes an exception which allows a CPP to designate a local authority electoral ward as a locality even where its population exceeds 30,000 residents. Are there circumstances in which these criteria would prevent a CPP from applying a reasonable approach to locality planning? What difference would it make to how localities were identified for the purposes of locality planning in the CPP area(s) in which you have an interest, if the maximum population size were set at (a) 25,000 residents or (b) 20,000 residents?

Q8: Do you have any other comments about the draft Regulation?

Q9: Are there any equality issues we should be aware of in respect of local outcomes improvement plans and locality plans?


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