
Community eyecare services: review

Report on how eyecare services are currently delivered, with recommended actions which will lead to improvements to meet patients' needs.

Annex C: References

1. National Health Service (General Ophthalmic Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.
Available at:

2. Scottish Government (2011) 2020 Vision.
Available at:

3. NHS Digital - NHS England

4. Scottish Government (2016), Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2014-15, Realistic Medicine.

5. College of Optometrists, (2016) See the Gap: A Policy report on UK eye health inequalities. 2016

6. Scottish Government (2016) A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland.
Available at:

7. Scottish Government (2016) Modern Outpatient Programme.
Available at:

8. Scottish Government (2016) Health and Social Care Delivery Plan.
Available at:

9. Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (2013). Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Enquiry (Chaired by Robert Francis QC).
Available at:

10. Association of Optometrists (2016) Optom found guilty of Gross Negligence Manslaughter. (15 July)

11. Health Improvement Scotland (2015) Glaucoma referral and safe discharge. SIGN Guideline No.144, ISBN 978 1 909103 36 8

12. Scottish Government (2016). National Performance Framework
Available at:

13. National Records of Scotland (2015). Projected Population of Scotland (2014-based). National Population Projections by sex and age with UK comparisons.

14. Scottish Eyecare Group (2013) Capacity in Ophthalmology

15. World Health Organisation (2007) 2020 Vision: The Right to Sight.
Available at:

16. National Health Service (General Ophthalmic Services) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2010.
Available at:

17. Emmerson, E; Baines, S (2010). Health Inequalities and People with Learning Disabilities in the UK. Department of Health, London.

18. SeeAbility (2015) An equal right to sight, Why eye care for children with learning disabilities needs reform.
Available at:

19. Carvill, S. (2001), Sensory impairments, intellectual disability and psychiatry. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45: 467-483. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2788.2001.00366.x

20. Autism Scotland - Eyecare pathways

21. NHS Ayrshire and Arran (2014) Sensory Locality Plan 2014 -2024.

22. NHS Education for Scotland and RNIB Scotland (2016). Better testing for patients with complex needs (modules 1 and 2), NES Portal.

23. NHS England (2016) The National Health Service (Charges And Payments) (Uprating, Miscellaneous Amendments And Transitional Provision) Regulations 2016

2016 no. 325, London.

24. SeeAbility (2016) Delivering an Equal Right to Sight.
Available at:

25. General Optical Council (1984). The Sale of Optical Appliances, Order of Council.
Available at:

26. National Records of Scotland (2011). Scotland's Census.

27. Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (2014). Geographies of deprivation and diversity in Glasgow, Local Dynamics of Diversity: Evidence from the 2011 Census, University of Manchester. Nov.

28. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and RNIB Scotland (2011). Glasgow Eye Health Community Engagement Project, Eye Health Equity Profile. Glasgow.

29. Evans, J.R., Lawrenson, J.G. (2012) Cochrane Review: Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration
Available at:

30. Scottish Government (2016). Health Statistics - Obesity.
Available at:

31. Hannerz, J. and Ericson, K. (2009), The Relationship Between Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Obesity. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 49: 178-184. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2008.01240.x

32. Scottish Executive (2003) Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Services, NHS Circular: HDL(2003)33.
Available at:

33. Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2016) Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Standards.
Available at:

33. Dickey, H., Ikenwilo, D., Nowood, P., Watson, V. and Zangelidis, A. (2012) Utilisation of eye-care services: The effect of Scotland's free eye examination policy. Health Policy, 2012-12-01, Volume 108, Issue 2, Pages 286-293

34. Leamon S, Hayden C, Lee H, Trudinger D, Appelbee E, Hurrell D -L, Richardson I. Improving access to optometry services for people risk of preventable sight loss: a qualitative study in five UK locations. J Pub Health (2014) 36 (4) 667-673

35. Legge R, Strang N C, Loffler G. (2016) Distribution of Optometric Practices Relative to Deprivation Index in Scotland. (in press)

36. Low L, O'Colmain U, Ogston S, MacEwen C. Accessibility of High Street Optometry premises in Tayside Br J Ophthalmol (2013); 97:1216-1217

38. Ritchie, L (2016). National Review of Primary Care Out-of-Hours Services.
Available at:

39. Shickle, D., Davey,C.J.,Slade,S.V. (2014) Why is the General Ophthalmic Services ( GOS) Contract that underpins primary eye care in the UK contrary to the public health interest? Br J Ophthalmol 99 (7) p 888-892

40. Court, H, McLean, G, Guthrie B, Mercer S W, Smith D. Visual Impairment is associated with physical and mental comorbidities in older adults: a cross sectional study. BMC Med (2014) (12) 181

41. Thomas Pocklington Trust (2010) Social inclusion, social circumstances and the quality of life of visually impaired older people. June (32).

42. Access Economics (2009) Future Sight Loss UK 1. Economic Impact of Partial Sight and Blindness in the UK adult population, RNIB
Available at:

43. RNIB (2010). The cost of sight loss in Scotland: 2010 - 2020.

44. Scottish Government (2010) Registered Blind and Partially Sighted Persons; A national Statistics Publication
Available at:

45. Court, H., Mitchell, G. (2017). Evaluating the provision of low vision care in Scotland (awaiting publication).

46. Royal College of Ophthalmologists and College of Optometrists. Sharing patient information between healthcare professionals - a joint statement (2015)

47. Scottish Government (2014) See Hear: A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland.
Available at:

48. National Services Scotland, Ophthalmic workload statistics (2016), Information Services Division.

49. Community Pharmacy Scotland and Optometry Scotland (2012) - Joint Working
Available at:

50. National Services Scotland, Acute Surgical Speciality Costs - Ophthalmology

51. NHS Scotland (2010) Eye care Integration.
Available at:

52. Khan, A.A.; Mustafa, M.Z., Sanders, R. (2015) Improving patient access to prevent sight loss: ophthalmic electronic referrals and communication (Scotland). Public Health , Volume 129 , Issue 2 , 117 - 123

53. General Optical Council, Public Perceptions Survey, Final Report. (2016) June GOC, Risks in the Optical Profession, Final Report. A report for the General Optical Council by Europe Economics, London. (2012).
Available at:

54. NHS Lanarkshire (2011) Eye-Health Network Service ( LENS) Patient Satisfaction Survey

55. NHS Lanarkshire (2013) Eye-Health Network Service ( LENS) Patient Satisfaction Survey

56. NHS Lanarkshire (2013) Lanarkshire Eye-health Network Service ( LENS) Patient Satisfaction Survey 2013.

57. Health Improvement Scotland. Service Review of NHS Grampian Eye Health Network (2014)

58. NHS Education for Scotland (2017) Optometry in Scotland. Education and Workforce.
Available at:

59. General Optical Council, Annual Report, Annual Fitness to Practice Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2015. (2015)

60. Opticians Act (1989)
Available at:

61. 2020 Health, Foresight Project Report: A discussion of the potential impact of technology on the UK optical sector to 2030 (2016)

62. NHS Education for Scotland (2016). Leadership and Management Training for Optometrists.

63. Europe Economics (2012). Risks in the Optical Profession, Final Report.

64. General Medical Council (2015). Secondary Care Locums Report.


Email: Liam Kearney

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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