
Community justice outcomes - improvement planning and reporting: statutory guidance

Statutory guidance that supports community justice partners to understand their roles and responsibilities arising from the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016.

6. Reviewing the CJOIP

While the partners can themselves decide the lifetime of the CJOIP, they must review their plan from time to time to determine whether a revised CJOIP is required. A review of the CJOIP must also be undertaken in the following circumstances:

  • When a revised National Performance Framework for Community Justice is published
  • When a revised National Strategy for Community Justice is published
  • When a revised Local Outcomes Improvement Plan for the local authority area is published

When undertaking a review of their CJOIP, partners may want to consider the following:

  • How any changes to the strategy, framework or their Local Outcomes Improvement Plan have impacted their CJOIP.
  • If the assessment of whether each of the nationally determined outcomes is being achieved remains accurate and up to date.
  • If there have been any significant changes to local community justice priorities or other relevant local plans or outcomes.
  • Whether the outcomes that are prioritised for action in the CJOIP remain relevant and appropriate.

Following review of a CJOIP, if the partnership decides not to make revisions, it must publish a statement indicating that it considers the plan should not be revised. A revised CJOIP where produced should be developed in line with the CJOIP preparation arrangements as outlined above. This will become the new CJOIP for the local authority area.



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