
Community Justice Performance Framework

This Framework is published under s18(4)(a) of the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, and replaces the Outcomes, Improvement and Performance Framework. Community justice partners will use the framework’s nationally determined outcomes and indicators to support local planning and reporting.

Local Evidence

Evidence collected at a local level will supplement the national indicator data. The national indicators will provide a measure of performance in achieving the nationally determined outcomes and indicate areas for improvement. Local evidence will provide further context to this and enable local analysis to be undertaken to explore specific improvements that may be needed.

Further guidance on how this local evidence should be gathered and analysed will be set out by Community Justice Scotland in Improvement Tools published on its website. There is an expectation that local areas will develop, gather and utilise information in collaboration with Community Justice Scotland in order to support ongoing improvement work and the achievement of the nationally determined outcomes. This includes an expectation that local areas will provide Community Justice Scotland with local evidence as part of its annual reporting for Scotland as a whole.



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