
Community Learning and Development (CLD) - Statistics Brief

This statistics brief presents data relevant to CLD in Scotland. While the Scottish Government does not collect or publish data on participation in, and the impact of, CLD, several sources provide information on the communities CLD is trying to reach.

Statistics Brief

  • This statistics brief presents data relevant to CLD in Scotland. While the Scottish Government does not collect or publish data on participation in, and the impact of, CLD, several sources provide information on the communities CLD is trying to reach.
  • The briefing presents data on the ageing population of Scotland, which may help to inform demand for CLD in the future. CLD plays a key role in enabling older people to live well.
  • It also sets out relevant data on qualifications and employment. CLD is often a route for people to access further learning or job opportunities, particularly those who have faced barriers to engagement with education and work.
  • It presents statistics on young people, including school attendance and what young people do after school. Youth work plays a key role in supporting young people’s ambitions, especially those who face barriers to engaging with mainstream education.
  • The briefing documents the limited data available on adult literacy. CLD supports adults to learn this key skill.
  • Data is presented related to digital skills and internet use, such as the proportion of households in Scotland with internet access. CLD supports adults to develop digital skills.
  • The briefing sets out data on migration and people seeking asylum in Scotland, as CLD plays a key role in delivering English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) to New Scots.
  • Finally, the complexity of how CLD is financed is indicated in figures on funding for CLD.



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