Community Learning and Development (CLD) - Statistics Brief

This statistics brief presents data relevant to CLD in Scotland. While the Scottish Government does not collect or publish data on participation in, and the impact of, CLD, several sources provide information on the communities CLD is trying to reach.

Funding for CLD

Gross Expenditure for all councils in Scotland in 2022-23 of non-school community learning is £126.6 million – of which:

  • £50.9 million* was spent on Youth Work, and
  • £32.3 million* was spent on Adult Learning.

*May include instances of double counting.

Scottish local government finance statistics (SLGFS) 2022-23: workbooks -

See excel LFR 01 – Education.

The total allocation for 31 (out of 32) Local Authorities for financial year 2023/24 is approximately £98 million.

27 (out of 32) Local Authorities provided approximately £14.8 million in discretionary grant funding to voluntary organisations.

CLD Standards Council Report on Local Authority Community Learning and Development Budget Allocation Financial Year 2023-24



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