
Community learning and development: guidance for 2024 to 2027

This guidance document outlines the national policy context for community learning and development (CLD) that education authorities should be aware of in complying with the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 during the period of 2024 to 2027.



This guidance document outlines the national policy context for community learning and development (CLD) that education authorities should be aware of in complying with the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 during the period of 2024 - 2027.

The Scottish Government recognises the role of CLD across the public and third sectors in providing invaluable support to Scotland’s learners and communities by developing new and flexible ways to deliver key services for vulnerable and marginalised learners in community, school and college settings.

This guidance builds on and does not replace previous guidance notes published in 2014, revised guidance published in 2017 and the CLD Plan Guidance note published in 2020, to support the creation and ongoing development of CLD plans. Links to previous guidance below:

Independent Review of CLD provision in Scotland

The Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education, Research and Skills (28 June 2023) set out a direction of travel for future reform which was reflective of reviews and evidence gathering exercises which had been conducted across the portfolio area. Furter information available at the following link: Post-school education, research and skills - initial priorities (

As part of the wider reform work, the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans announced on 5 December 2023 an independent review of CLD provision across Scotland.

The independent review of CLD will seek to better understand the extent to which CLD is delivering positive outcomes for some of Scotland’s most vulnerable learners. In doing this, the review will consider how the CLD sector:

  • Effectively and consistently measures outcomes delivered through CLD and reports this across the sector. This includes data on the CLD workforce, engagement opportunities and outcomes for learners.
  • Delivers positive outcomes and improved life chances for marginalised and vulnerable learners in communities, in the context of wider education reform and public finance constraints.
  • Maintains a strong and suitably professionalised CLD workforce equipped to deliver high quality outcomes for learners in a reformed education system.

This guidance has a specific focus on supporting education authorities with the development of their CLD plans while this review is ongoing. Further guidance will be provided following conclusion of the review and in time to support any future changes to CLD plans as a result of the review outcomes and once the strategic orientation of CLD can be fully considered.



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