
Community learning and development: guidance for 2024 to 2027

This guidance document outlines the national policy context for community learning and development (CLD) that education authorities should be aware of in complying with the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 during the period of 2024 to 2027.

The Context for CLD in 2024-2027

Independent review of CLD provision in Scotland

While the Independent Review of CLD is underway the existing statutory obligations will continue to apply to education authorities, including the requirement to publish a CLD plan by the third year after the publication date of the previous plan (September 2024).

However, during this period of independent review, education authorities may consider it relevant to acknowledge the existence of this review in the preparation and content of their next CLD plan. This is a matter for each education authority to consider as appropriate to their area but it may include things such as:

  • Carrying forward much of the content of their existing plans and only reflecting significant changes which have impacted communities and learners;
  • Considering the level of learner and partner consultation appropriate to the level of updates made to the plans at this time.

Where such an approach is taken, once the Independent Review of CLD is published, education authorities are encouraged to consider whether it is appropriate for their area to undertake a more substantial learner and partner consultation and update their 2024-2027 plans accordingly. This would enable education authorities to reflect the impact of the review outcomes along with the outcomes from a more extensive consultation process. A guideline for the timing of a CLD plan update may be a target of September 2025, which would then be in place for the remaining two years of the plan cycle.

It is important to note that it will remain the responsibility of the education authority to acknowledge the CLD review as they consider appropriate and determine the correct approach for their own area and circumstances in complying with the statutory requirements. This includes each education authority progressing with identified areas for continuous improvement, including any aspects for improvement identified by HM Inspectors of Education.


The Scottish Government expects education authorities to take account of a variety of priorities when planning to secure adequate and efficient CLD services. Examples of national policy objectives are highlighted in Annex A. The priorities for the delivery of CLD throughout the life span of the CLD plan (2024-27) should include, but not be limited to:

  • Priorities set out in Local Outcomes Improvement Plans (LOIPs) and other national policies, whilst taking account of an evidence base most relevant to CLD provision;
  • Working with partners in community planning partnerships, additional voluntary and third sector organisations, schools, colleges and other partners across the local authority area, to ensure services are adequate and efficient;
  • Identifying priority groups and target the most vulnerable and marginalised learners in community, school and college settings to remove barriers and engage with CLD services that are accessible, safe and inclusive;
  • Protecting and improving health and wellbeing outcomes for young people, adults and families;
  • Creating additional opportunities as well as increasing public awareness and support for learning, employability and creating local wealth;
  • Recognising and taking appropriate action to support those most disproportionately affected by digital poverty ensuring they have the necessary tools, skills and support to access digital learning and services;
  • A commitment to incorporate the UNCRC into decision making and policy across CLD services;
  • Taking account of the need for community based adult learning, family learning, youth work and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learning and embedding in provision across the local authority area.
  • Recognising and supporting volunteering as a pathway towards skills development, upskilling, improved wellbeing and people supporting their communities.



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